returning to called routine 344
saved system restrictions 417
simulation of VSE functions 386
dump 481, 529
map 319
structure 317 STRINIT macro 323
structure of DMSNUC 315 SUBCOM 346 SVC handling 334
symbol references 315
system save area modification 345
system, abend 477
transient area 318
transient program area 343
area 315
program area 318 USERSECT (User Area) 315
XEDIT interface to access files in storage 348 CMS Batch Facility 418-421 /JOB control cards 419,420
data security 420 EXEC procedures 420 installation input 419
IPL Performance 420 system limits 419
resetting 419
user-specified control language 419 eMS BLIP facility 17 CMS commands ACCESS 383 ASSGN command 390 DDR 483 DEBUG 478,525
FILEDEF 384, 506 GENDIRT 458
TRC option 298 RESERVE 352
SETPRT,loading a virtual 3800 printer 298 SVCTRACE 487, 493, 525
ZAP 501 CMS macro library 558 CMS/DOS command summary 387
considerations for execution 413
control blocks used by 411
environment, defined 386
generating 411
libraries 411
library volume d'irectory entries 412
performance 413
restrictions 413
for declarative macros 400 for DTFCD macro 400 for DTFCN macro 402 for DTFDI macro 402 for DTFMT macro 403 for DTFPR macro 405 for DTFSD macro 406 for EXCP 410 for imperative macros 409 for transient routines 409 hardware devices 386
of physical laCS macros 391,392
of VSE supervisor and I/O macros 391 SVC support routines 392-400 VSE macros under CMS 391
user responsibilities 411 VSE volumes needed 413 CMSCB (aS control blocks) 533 CMSDOS discontiguous saved segment 76 CMSIUCV 359
MF=(E,addr) Format 362
MF=(L,addr[,labeID Format 362
MF=L Format 361
standard format 359
coding conventions
addressing 277
constants 276
CP 276
error messages 278
format 276
loadlist requirements 278
module names 278
register usage 276
title card 278
language CMS 303 commands See CMS commands, and CP commands
common segment facility 46
between virtual machines 83, 110 IUCV 116
example 123
with CP system services 116
with CP system services, CP entry points 140 with CP system services, initiated by CP 141
with CP system services, initiated by virtual
machine 140 with CP system services, invoking 140 COMND macro 280 compiler input/output assignments 390 completion code X'OOB 22
completion codes, IUCV 171 CONNECT IUCV function 110 parameter list format 143
using 120 console, function See CP (Control Program)
locating 500 used by CMS/DOS routines 411
registers, displayed by DISPLAY command 491
Control Program See CP (Control Program)
control tables 3800 printer
creating and modifying 296
displaying current values 297
storing and loading 297
Conversational Monitor System See CMS (Conversational Monitor System) copy modification, 3800 printer 295
COPYV command, for MSS volumes 202 CP (Control Program)
abnormal termination
messages 467
Index 565 r l I I
procedure 475,476,506 attached processor mode 20S coding conventions 276
commands See CP commands
concurrent execution of virtual machines 2 to :!dd en: 280 control block relationships 512 debugging CP on a virtual machine 501 disabled loop 471
procedure 483
disabled wait
procedure 474,476,485
dump 506 at abnonnal termination 506 attached processor 506 examine abend code 507 examine low storage 506 fonnat 506 multiprocessor 506 on printer 506 on tape 506 printing tape dump 506 enabled wait
procedure 474,485,487
errors encountered by wannstart program 467
examine low storage 476
how to approach problems 466
identifying and locating page able module 522
internal trace table 53,61,476,501,508 See also CP trace table
load map 476
loadlist requirements 278
looping condition 474
low storage 476 machine check 481
multiprocessor mode 208 page zero handling 6
privileged instruction simulation 2
problem state execution 2
program check 475
in checkpoint program 467
in dump program 467 PSA, Prefix Storage Area 476
real control blocks 476
register usage 508 restrictions 482 RMS (Recovery Management Support) 22
save areas 509 small CP option ., spooling 11
storage dump 475,506 SVC 0 475
system restart 476,487 trace record types 61
trace table entries 502, 503 See also CP trace table
unexpected results 471,473
procedure 482
virtual control blocks 476
virtual machine interrupt handling 2
wait state status messages 467 CP assist 39 CP commands 484 ADSTOP 489; 499 CLOSE 481, 506 DCP 498 DISPLAY 480, 497 DMCP 498 DU}AP 484,487,489,497 566 VM/SP System Programmer's Guide
how to add a command 280 INDICATE 49
INDICATE FAVORED, E privilege class 50 LOCATE 500 MIGRATE 51 MONITOR 52 PER 481,482,484,487 QUERY 499 QUERY PAGING 52 QUERYSRM 51 SEND, use with single console image facility 200 SET 498,506 SETMIH 19 SET PAGING 52 SET SRM MHFULL 51 STCP 501 STORE 491,500 SYSTEM 498
TRACE 481,482,484,487,493,500 484,487,498 CP trace table 476
allocation 502 entries 502 restarting tracing 503 size 502 terminating tracing 503 usage 502, 508 CPABEND (abend code) 507 CPEREP program 486 CPSTAT (CP running status) 508 CPTRAP 61,68
AP and MP support 67
checkpointing 67 CMS data reduction program 64
end program commands 67
file processor sub commands 66
lost data 67
passing CP data to the CPTRAP file 63
passing virtual machine data to CPTRAP file 62
reader file 64
recording trace table entries in CPTRAP file 61
running with microcode assist active 68
trace type 61
TRAPRED program 65 CSW (Channel Status Word)
displaying 491
operand, of DISPLAY command 491
subcommand, of DEBUG command 491 CVTSECT (CMS Communications Vector Table) 534
cylinder faults, MSS, YM/SP processing 202 D DASD Block I/O System Service 194,352
establishing communications 194
from CMS 352 IUCV communication 353 lUCV CONNECT 194 IUCV SEND 196 DASD Dump Restore (DDR) program 483 DASD I/O function 232
records, VM Monitor 543
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