error codes 332
operands 328
releasing storage 328 DMSFST macro 458 DMSINA 339 DMSINT 339 DMSIOW 313 DMSITE 314 DMSITI 313 DMSITP 314 DMSITS 312, 345 DMSITS module 334 DMSKEY macro 333 DMSNUC 315,318 DOS (Disk Operating System) abnormal tennination
messages 469
procedure 481 DSCB (data set control block) 379
DTFCD macro 400 DTFCN macro 400, 402 DTFDI macro 400, 402 DTFMT macro 400, 403 DTFPR macro 400, 405 DTFSD macro 400, 406 DUMP See also CP (Control Program), dump and CMS (ConĀ­
versational Monitor System), dump
command 487
summary 489
usage 484
dump, used in problem detennination 475
at printer 495
at tenninal 495
to real printer 506 DUMPSAVE (DMKDMP save area) 510 dynamic linkage, SUBCOM function 346
dynamic load overlay 464
dynamic SCP transition to or from native mode
advantages of 47
command used for 48
overview of how to use 48
performance impact of 48
precautions when using 48
purpose of 47
systems supported 48
EC (Extended Control) mode 484
EC (Extended Control) PSW 537 ECMODE option 206 ECPS (Extended Control-Program Support) 39
CP assist 39
expanded virtual machine assist 39
restricted use 41
using 41
virtual interval timer assist 39,205 ECRLOG (control registers) 532
editing, error messages 253
efficiency, of VM/SP performance options 24
eligible list, use in deadline priority 15
ENQ macro 377
environment, of VM/SP, system load 59
error codes DMSFREE 332 DMSFRES 332 DMSFRET 332
error messages, editing 253
error recording cylinders, clear 235
EXCP, CMS/DOS support for 410 EXIT/RETURN macro 373
expanded virtual machine assist 39
Extended Control mode See EC (Extended Control) mode
Extended Control-Program Support (ECPS) See ECPS (Extended Control-Program Support) extended PLIST, SVC 202 337
extended-identification code 222
external interrupt
BLIP character 314
external console interrupt 23
HNDEXT macro 314
in CMS 314
in VMCF 83, 103 message header 103 interval timer 23 IUCV 114
field definitions 161
formats 159
timer 314 EXTOPSW (external old PSW) 532
EXTRACT macro 376 EXTSECT (external interrupt work area) 534
faults, MSS cylinder, VM/SP processing 202 favored execution option 30 FCB See forms control buffer, FCB
FCB (File Control Block) 315
FCBTAB (file control block table) 533
features, device 520 feedback file See programmable operator facility FEOV macro 375
fetch storage protection 5
management CMS 303 file control block 315
File Status Table 458
file system, CMS, migrating from 800-byte to VM/SP . 14 FILEDEF command 384 AUXPROC option 384
defining OS data sets 384
to invoke the programmable operator 446
usage 506 files, OS format, support of 379
FIND macro 375
address of discontiguous saved segment 78
saved systems 255
fixed-head preferred paging area, migration 51
flashing, forms overlay, 3800 printer 295 FOB (font offset buffer) FOBCCW macro instruction 288
3289 Model 4 281,288
adding FOBs 288
macro instruction 288
purpose 288 FOBCCW macro instruction 288
font offset buffer
Index 569
1 I See FOB (font offset buffer)
fonns control buffer
FCB 281
examples 293
index feature 292
macro 292
3203,3211,3262,3289 Model 4 282 3800 printer 295
forms overlay (flashing), 3800 printer 295
FPRLOG (floating-point registers) 532
free storage
management CMS 323
free storage lock 216
FREEDBUF macro 377
FREEMAIN macro 373 FREESA VE (DMKFRE register save area) 476,509
creating auxiliary directories 460 format 458
generating, CMS/DOS 411
GENIMAGE utility program 296
GET macro 381
free element chain 324
macro 373
simulation 323
storage management 323 GETPOOL/FREEPOOL macro 374 GPRLOG (general registers) 532
handling OS files
on CMS disks 370 on OS or DOS disks 370 hardware assist 39
header record, VM Monitor 542
HNDIUCV macro 355
MF==(E,addr) Format 358
MF=(L,addr[,labeI]) Format 357
MF ... L format 357
standard format 355 HOSTCHK statement
I I/O See programmable operator facility
compiler 390 interrogating 391
function DASD 232
general 235
interrupt 18
in CMS 313
lock 216
management 9
overhead in CP, reducing 26
refid-cp.l/O management on virtual machine 9 570 VM/SP System Programmer's Guide
virtual machines 25 VM/SP SNA support
processing 184, 185 I/O errors, recovery from 297, 299
mM 3800 Printing Subsystem See 3800 printer
identification bits for program piOducts 223
VMCF protocol 91
VMCF subfunction 93
IDENTIFY macro 376
identify processor address
AP /MP environment 210
IEBIMAGE utility program 296
lIP (ISAM Interface Program) 416
IMAGELm utility program 297
IMAGEMOD utility program 297
imperative macros 409 INDICATE command 49
described 49
INDICATE FAVORED command,format, E privilege
class 50 indicators, of system load 49
INITIATE, logical device support facility subfunction 204,
input/output See I/O Inter-User Communications Vehicle SeelUCV interrogating input/output assignments 391
interrupt handling
attached processor
real I/O interrupts 23
synchronous interrupts 23 CMS 312
input/output CMS 313 SVC interrupts 312
terminal interrupts 313 DMSITS 312
external interrupts 23,314 I/O interrupts 10 machine check interrupts 22, 314
missing interrupt handler 18
real I/O interrupts 23
synchronous interrupts 23
program interrupts 22,314
reader/punch/printer interrupts 314 SVC interrupts 22
user-controlled device interrupts 314
interval timer 39,205 INTSVC 334
invoking, IUCV functions 126 IOBLOK 476 10SECT (I/O interrupt work area) 534
IPL device, replacing directory entry 269
audit trail 118 CMS, between two virtual machines 365
communication using parameter list data 125
communication with CP system services 116 CP entry points 140 initiated by CP 141
initiated by virtual machine 140 invoking 140 IXBLOK 141
communication with DASD Block I/O 353
communication, example 123
external interrupt 114
field definitions 161
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