security, batch 420 data set control block (DSCB) 379
data sets OS accessing 383
defining 384
reading 383 VSAM, compatibility considerations 416
DCB macro 379 DCP command 498
DDR command, usage 483
deadline priority 15
definition 15
dispatch list 15
eligible list 15 DEBUG command
BREAK subcommand, summary 489
CAW subcommand, summary 491 CSW subcommand, summary 491
DUMP subcommand 484
summary 489
usage 484 GO subcommand, summary 489 GPR subcommand, summary 491
messages 526
rules for using 526 SET CAW subcommand, summary 492 SET CSW subcommand, summary 492 SET GPR subcommand, summary 492 SET PSW subcommand, summary 492 STORE subcommand, summary 491
usage 478
X (Examine) subcommand, summary 490 debugging
analyzing problem 470 applying PTF 470 comparison of CP and CMS facilities 495
how to start 466
abnonnal termination 474
looping condition 473
looping condition in virtual machine 470 problem 469
unexpected results 474
wait 473
wait state in virtual machine 470 introduction 466
on virtual machine 481
for abnonnal termination 475
for CMS abend without dump 476
for CMS abnonnal termination 476
for CP abnonnal termination 475
for CP disabled loop 483
for CP disabled wait 485
for CP enabled wait 487
for CP unexpected results 482
for looping condition 474
for unexpected results 474
for virtual machine abnonnal termination 481
for virtual machine disabled loop 484
for virtual machine disabled wait 487
for virtual machine enabled loop 484
for virtual machine enabled wait 487
for virtual machine unexpected results 482
for wait 474
recognizing problem 467
summary of VM/SP debugging tools 488
unproductive processing time 469 VM/SP commands for debugging 497 ADSTOP 499 DCP 498 DISPLAY 497 DMCP 498
DUMP 497
QUERY 499 SET 498 STOP 501 STORE 500 SYSTEM 498
ZAP 501 with VM/SP facilities 475
declarative macros 400 DECLARE BUFFER IUCV function
parameter list fonnat 144
using 119
dedicated, channel, assigning to virtual machine 11
DELETE macro 374
demand paging 4
DEQ macro 376 DESCRIBE IUCV function 111
parameter list fonnat 145
using 120 DETACH macro 377
detaching, virtual devices 10 determining, virtual machine storage size 253
DEVICE (last I/O interrupt) 481
devices CMS supported 316
feature codes 520 I/O 19
changing the time interval 20 default time intervals 19
determining time interval settings 21
model codes 520 sense infonnation 18
supported, for VSAM under CMS 415
type codes 517
DEVTAB (Device Table) 316
DEVTYPE macro 375 DIAGNOSE code X'OC', pseudo timer 227 X'OO', store extended-identification code 222 X'04', examine real storage 224 X'08', virtual console function 225
X' 1 C', clear error recording cylinders 235 X'10', release pages 227
X'14', input spool file manipulation 228
X'18', standard DASD I/O 232
X'2C', start of LOGREC area 240 X'20', general I/O 235
X'24', device type and features 236
X'28', channel program modification 239
X'3C', VM/SP directory 242 X'30', read LOGREC data 241
X'34', read system dump spool file 241
X'38', read system symbol table 242
X'4C', generate accounting records for the virtual
user 243 X'40', clean-up after virtual IPL by device 243
X'48', issue SVC 76 from a second level machine 243
X'5C', error message editing 253 X'50', save the 370X control program image 245
X'54', control function of the PA2 function key 246
Index 567
X'58' 246
display data on 3270 console screen 246' 3270 virtual console interface, full screen
interactions 249 3270 virtual console interface, full screen inter­
actions (3270 SIO) 251 3270 virtual console interiace, iull screen
mode 248
X'6C', special diagnose for shadow table
maintenance 257 X'60', determine virtual machine storage size 253
X'64', finding, loading, purging named segments 253 FINDSYS function 255 LOADSYS function 254 PURGESYS function 255
X'64', FINDSYS function 255
X'64', LOADSYS function 254
X'64', PURGESYS function 255
X'68', VMCF function 256
X'7C', logical device support facility 260 X'70', activating TOD-c1ock accounting interface 257
X'74', saving or loading a 3800 named system 258
X'78', MSS communication 259
X'8C', access device dependent information 274 X'80', MSSFCALL 265
X'84', directory update in-place 267 DIAGNOSE instruction
access device dependent information 274
activating the TOD-c1ock accounting interface 257
channel program modification 239
clean-up after virtual IPL by device 243
clear error recording 235
control function of the PA2 function key 246
determine virtual machine storage size 78,253
device type and features 236
directory update in-place 267
display data on 3270 console screen 246
error message editing 253
examine real storage 224
find address of discontiguous saved segment 78
finding, loading, purging segments 253 FINDSYS function 78,255
format 222
general I/O 235
generate accounting records for the virtual user 243
input spool file manipulation 228
issue SVC 76 from a second level virtual machine 243
load discontiguous saved segment 78 LOADSYS function 78,254
logical device support facility 260 MSS communication 259 MSS mount and demount processing 201 MSSFCALL 265
page release function 227
pseudo timer 227
purge discontiguous saved segment 78 PURGESYS function 78, 255
read LOGREC data 241
read system dump spool file 241
read system symbol table 242
save the 370X control program image 245
saving or loading a 3800 named system 258
special diagnose for shadow table maintenance 257
standard DASD I/O 232
start of LOGREC area 240 store extended-identification code 222
update VM/SP directory 242
virtual console function 225
VMCF function 83,97,256
data transfer error codes 109 568 VM/SP System Programmer's Guide
return codes 106 VMCPARM parameter list 98 3270 virtual console interface
full screen interactions 249, 260 full screen interactions (3270 SIO) 251
full screen mode 248
authorization for IUCV 118 control statement for IUCV 110, 113, 123, 133
entries for CMS/DOS library volumes 412
entries in IUCV 118, 136
replacing entries 267
update in-place 267
discontiguous saved segments 75
loading 254
purging 255
discontiguous shared segments 76
user requirements 76
dispatch list, use in deadline priority 15
dispatcher stack lock 216
interactive users 15
noninteractive users 15
priority, calculating 16
scheme, for virtual machines 15
virtual machines 15
from queue 2 15
dispatching priority, replacing directory entry 269 DISPLAY command 484,497
summary 490 usage 480 PSW subcommand
usage 480 summary 491
display terminals, CMS interface 350 displaying
data on a 3270 console screen 246
"floating-point registers, DISPLAY command 491
general registers DISPLAY command 491 GPR subcommand of DEBUG command 491 PSW DISPLAY command 491 PSW subcommand of DEBUG command 491
storage DISPLAY command 490 X subcommand of DEBUG command 490 DISPW macro display terminals, DISPW macro 350 distribution word, replacing directory entry 270 DMCP command 498
DMKCFC (console function) support 280 DMKDDR See DASD Dump Restore (DDR) program DMKSNT (system name table) 73,81 DMSABN (abend routine) 532 DMSABN macro 478
operands 478 DMSEXS macro 334 DMSFREE 318
allocating nucleus free storage 328
allocating user free storage 328
error codes 332
service routines 330 storage management 324 DMSFRES macro 330 error codes 332
format 330 operands 330 DMSFRET macro 328
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