this can’t be true since for any address c = (X
1 …X
n , m),Ids(Dest(c) ˝ Refs(X
1 ), which contra-
dicts the initial assumption. v
Lemma 4.2:<
d is an irreflexive partial order.
Proof:This is a straightforward consequence ofLemma 4.1 and the assumption thatSis a
causal change set. v
Definition 4.7:The destination chain of anDestX(a)addressa = (I
1 …I
n , i), is a sequence
of addressesa
o , …, a
I , awherea
i–1 = Dest(X)
, and a
i = (X…X’, j)
The destination chain of an address is the result of repeatedly finding the destination of
the initial in an address’s change path. For a causal change set, this will be a finite sequence
with an initial address of nil.
Definition 4.8:For elementsa, bofA(S)given a minimally consistent change setS,
a <
SA bis defined as (in order of priority):
1. For any addressesa, b = (I
1 …I
n , I), IfDest(I
1 ) = a,thena <
SA b.
2. Fora = (I, i), b = (I, j), a <
SA b iff i <
this can’t be true since for any address c = (X
1 …X
n , m),Ids(Dest(c) ˝ Refs(X
1 ), which contra-
dicts the initial assumption. v
Lemma 4.2:<
d is an irreflexive partial order.
Proof:This is a straightforward consequence ofLemma 4.1 and the assumption thatSis a
causal change set. v
Definition 4.7:The destination chain of anDestX(a)addressa = (I
1 …I
n , i), is a sequence
of addressesa
o , …, a
I , awherea
i–1 = Dest(X)
, and a
i = (X…X’, j)
The destination chain of an address is the result of repeatedly finding the destination of
the initial in an address’s change path. For a causal change set, this will be a finite sequence
with an initial address of nil.
Definition 4.8:For elementsa, bofA(S)given a minimally consistent change setS,
a <
SA bis defined as (in order of priority):
1. For any addressesa, b = (I
1 …I
n , I), IfDest(I
1 ) = a,thena <
SA b.
2. Fora = (I, i), b = (I, j), a <
SA b iff i <