10. Choudhary, R. and P. Dewan (1995).A General Multi-User Undo/Redo Model.Pro-
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11. Cohen, E. S., D. A. Soni, et al. (1988).Version Management in Gypsy.ACM
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12. Collier, G. H. (1987). THOTH-II: Hypertext with Explicit Semantics.Hypertext '87 Pro-
ceedings: November, 1987.ACM. Chapel Hill North Carolina, ACM Press:269-290.
13. Conklin, J. (1988).gIBIS: A hypertext tool for exploratory policy discussion.Proceed-
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14. Conklin, J. and M. L. Begeman (1987). gIBIS: A Hypertext Tool for Team Design De-
liberation. Hypertext '87 Proceedings: November, 1987.ACM. Chapel Hill North Caro-
lina, ACM Press:247-252.
15. Conradi, R. and B. Westfechtel (1998). “Version Models for Software Configuration
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16. Coulouris, G. F. and J. Dollimore (1988).Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design,
17. Delisle, N. and M. Schwartz (1987). “Contexts: A Partitioning Concept for Hypertext.”
ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems5(2).
18. DeRose, S. J. and A. v. Dam (1999). “Document Structure and Markup in the FRESS
hypertext system.” Markup Languages: 7-32.
19. Dietz, P. and D. Sleator (1987).Two algorithms for maintaining order in a list.STOC
'87. The Nineteenth Annual ACM Conference on Theory of computing.
20. Dix, A., R. Mancini, et al. (1997).The cube - extending systems for undo.Proceedings
of DSVIS'97, Granada, Spain, Eurographics.
10. Choudhary, R. and P. Dewan (1995).A General Multi-User Undo/Redo Model.Pro-
ceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative
Work -- ECSCW '95, Stockholm, Sweden, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
11. Cohen, E. S., D. A. Soni, et al. (1988).Version Management in Gypsy.ACM
SIGSOFT/SIGPLAN Software Engineering Symposium on Practical Software Develop-
ment Environments, Boston, Massachusetts, ACM.
12. Collier, G. H. (1987). THOTH-II: Hypertext with Explicit Semantics.Hypertext '87 Pro-
ceedings: November, 1987.ACM. Chapel Hill North Carolina, ACM Press:269-290.
13. Conklin, J. (1988).gIBIS: A hypertext tool for exploratory policy discussion.Proceed-
ings of the Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '88), Port-
land, Oregon, ACM Press.
14. Conklin, J. and M. L. Begeman (1987). gIBIS: A Hypertext Tool for Team Design De-
liberation. Hypertext '87 Proceedings: November, 1987.ACM. Chapel Hill North Caro-
lina, ACM Press:247-252.
15. Conradi, R. and B. Westfechtel (1998). “Version Models for Software Configuration
Management.” Computing Surveys30(2):232-282.
16. Coulouris, G. F. and J. Dollimore (1988).Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design,
17. Delisle, N. and M. Schwartz (1987). “Contexts: A Partitioning Concept for Hypertext.”
ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems5(2).
18. DeRose, S. J. and A. v. Dam (1999). “Document Structure and Markup in the FRESS
hypertext system.” Markup Languages: 7-32.
19. Dietz, P. and D. Sleator (1987).Two algorithms for maintaining order in a list.STOC
'87. The Nineteenth Annual ACM Conference on Theory of computing.
20. Dix, A., R. Mancini, et al. (1997).The cube - extending systems for undo.Proceedings
of DSVIS'97, Granada, Spain, Eurographics.