larity. I then presented algorithmic issues in implementing Palimpsest, with an eye to the
best possible asymptotic complexity.
It is not clear that the heavyweight approach to implementation represented by the algo-
rithms in this chapter is needed for practical use. For many applications, especially text ed-
iting, the need to produce a whole document in minimal time is rare. The main requirement
is to refill screen buffers of moderate size quickly, and to support occasional random access.
Furthermore, most editing applications involve the incremental addition of small changes,
and they can use local interaction buffers to support display and editing, rather than using
the more complex persistent store for interactive operations.
larity. I then presented algorithmic issues in implementing Palimpsest, with an eye to the
best possible asymptotic complexity.
It is not clear that the heavyweight approach to implementation represented by the algo-
rithms in this chapter is needed for practical use. For many applications, especially text ed-
iting, the need to produce a whole document in minimal time is rare. The main requirement
is to refill screen buffers of moderate size quickly, and to support occasional random access.
Furthermore, most editing applications involve the incremental addition of small changes,
and they can use local interaction buffers to support display and editing, rather than using
the more complex persistent store for interactive operations.