2.7 Summary
I have presented a rough taxonomy of the types of changes that a change-oriented
concurrency control system might manipulate. It introduces a new, and important distinc-
tion between static and dynamic operations, and a new notion of change-completeness. Dy-
namic operations really gain a great deal of their importance from the notion of change-
Palimpsest provides a useful set of dynamic permutational operations (spe-
cifically moveandcopyin addition toinsertanddelete). These operations operate in the
context of a simple composite structure (the sequence)under operations whose potential
interactions are discussed in Chapter 3.
Curiously, my path went in the reverse direction: in exploring the consequences of trying to
really handle dynamic operations I discovered the attractive features possible only in a change-
complete editing system. At that point, I realized that the concept of dynamism in operations is a real
unacknowledged factor in operation-based systems. One factor that will only become fully clear in
Chapter 3 is how to control the representation of changes so that the dynamic nature of operational
effects doesn’t require complex dynamic updates of the representation of a change, such as is used in
an operational transformation system.
2.7 Summary
I have presented a rough taxonomy of the types of changes that a change-oriented
concurrency control system might manipulate. It introduces a new, and important distinc-
tion between static and dynamic operations, and a new notion of change-completeness. Dy-
namic operations really gain a great deal of their importance from the notion of change-
Palimpsest provides a useful set of dynamic permutational operations (spe-
cifically moveandcopyin addition toinsertanddelete). These operations operate in the
context of a simple composite structure (the sequence)under operations whose potential
interactions are discussed in Chapter 3.
Curiously, my path went in the reverse direction: in exploring the consequences of trying to
really handle dynamic operations I discovered the attractive features possible only in a change-
complete editing system. At that point, I realized that the concept of dynamism in operations is a real
unacknowledged factor in operation-based systems. One factor that will only become fully clear in
Chapter 3 is how to control the representation of changes so that the dynamic nature of operational
effects doesn’t require complex dynamic updates of the representation of a change, such as is used in
an operational transformation system.