3-2 VM/3l0: System Logic and Problem Determination--Voluae 3
Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem: Overview
The VM/370 Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) is the component that provides for the transmission of files across a
teleprocessing network controlled by the VM/370 computer. Using RSCS, virtual machine users can transmit files to remote stations. (Remote
stations are I/O configurations attached to the computer by communications lines.) Also, users at remote stations can transmit
files to VM/370 virtual machines and to other remote stations using RSCS. RSCS resides in a virtual machine dedicated to remote spooling. Using the RSCS command language, the RSCS operator manages the
telecommunications facilities for the installation.
Operators at remote stations can manage their own configurations
using a subset of the command language. Commands issued from remote
stations can be entered either at a terminal or from a card reader. You can find detailed
publication descriptions of RSCS functions in the (RS£.2) The RSCS Virtual Machine and the VM/370 Control Program (CP)
Like the other VM/370 virtual machines, the RSCS virtual machine runs under the control of CPe In extending the VM/370 spooling system capability to include spooling to remote stations, RSCS interacts with
the CP spooling system. Therefore, some of the information in this
publication requires a knowledge of that area of CP. The RSCS virtual machine consists of the virtual machine operatcr
console, an RSCS system disk, and virtual telecommunications lines.
During system generation, a virtual card reader is defined for the RSCS virtual machine, but this reader does not exist in the CP directory
entry for the RSCS virtual machine. Virtual printers, card punches, and readers are
as they are needed. For example, when a file from to RSCS, a virtual punch is defined Similarly, virtual readers are defined when RSCS transmit. RSCS virtual storage also dumps onto a abnormal termination of the system occurs.
configuration of an RSCS virtual machine.
defined dynamically
a remote station is
to accept the file.
receives a file to
virtual printer when Figure 1 shows the
The minimum virtual storage required to run RSCS is RSCS Introduction 3-3
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