April 27, 1981
filedef inputdd disk myinput file a1
If the input file you want to use is on an OS disk accessed as your
C-disk, and it has a data set name of PAYROLL.RECORDS.AUGUST, then your
FILEDEF command might be:
filedef inputdd c1 dsn payroll records auqust SPECIFYING THE DEVICE TYPE For input files, the device type you enter on the FILEDEF command
indicates the device from which you want records read. It can be DISK,
TERMINAL, READEF (for input from real cards or virtual cards), or TAPn (for tape). Using the above example, if your input file is to be read
from your virtual card reader, the FILEDEF command might be as follows:
filedef inputdd reader Or, if you were reading from a tape attached to your virtual machine at
virtual address 181 (TAP1): filedef inputdd tap1
For output files, the device you specify can be DISK, PRINTER, PUNCH, TAPn (tape), or TERMINAL.
If you do not want any real I/O performed during the execution of a
proqram for a disk input or output file, you can specify the device type
as DUMMY: filedef inputdd dummy
If you are using a CMS disk file for your input or output, you specify:
filedef ddname disk filename filetype filemode
Note that if * is used for the filemode of an output file, unpredictable
results may occur.
The filemode field is optional; if you do not specify it, your A-disk is
assumed. If you want an output file to be constructed in as simulated
data set format, you must specify the filemode number as 4. For
example, a proqram contains a DeB for an output file with a ddname of OUTPUTDD, and you are using it to create a CMS file named DAILY OUTPUT on your B-disk:
filedef outputdd disk daily output b4 If your input file is an as data set on an as disk, you can identify
it in several ways: If the data set name has only two
HEALTH. RECORDS, you can specify:
filedef inputdd disk health records bl 132 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide
qualifiers, for example
April 27, 1981 If it has more than two qualifiers, you can use the DSN keyword and
filedef inputdd b1 dsn health records august 1974 Or you can request a prompt for a complete data set name:
filedef inputdd b1 dsn ?
ENTER DATA SET NAME: health.records.august.1974
section 8. Developing as Programs Under 132.1
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