Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. St23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 What To Do When You Run oat of Space 88 Summary of EDIT Subcommands. 91 SECTION 6. INTRODUCTION TO THE EXEC PROCESSOR creating EXEC Files.
Invoking EXEC Files. PROFILE EXECs ••••• 95 95 96 97 Your PROFILE EXEC. 98 CMS EXECs and How To Use Them. 98
Modifying CMS EXECs. .100 Summary of the EXEC Language Facilities.l00 Arguments and Variables. .101 Assignment Statements. .102 Built-in Functions and Special Variables Flow Control in an EXEC •• Comparing Variable Symbols and
Constants Doing I/O With an EXEC •• Monitoring EXEC Procedures .103 .103 .105 .106 .107 Summary of EXEC Control Statements and Special Variables .109 SECTION 7. USING REAL PRINTERS, PUNCHES, READERS, TAPES .113 CMS Unit Record Device Support .113
.115 Using the CP Spooling System Altering Spool Files .. Using your Card Punch and Card Reader
in CMS. .116
Handling Tape Files in CMS ••••••• 118 Using the CMS TAPE Command •••••• 119
Tape Labels in CMS .121
Tape Labels in CMS •••••• 121 User Responsibilities .122
Label Processing in OS Simulation X!§)· Label Processing in CMS/DOS !X8).. CMS TAESL Macro Tape Label Processing by CMS Commands LABELDEF Command End-of-Volume and End-of-Tape
.122.7 122.10 122.10 122.12
Processing 122. 13
Error Processing 122.14
The MOVEFILE Command. •• 122
The MOVEFILE Command •• 122.14
Tapes Created by OS Utility Programs ••••••••••••••• 122
Tapes Created by OS Utility Programs ••••••• 122.15
Specifying Special Tape Handling
Options Using the Remote Spooling
Communications Subsystem (RSeS) .123
.123 PART 2. PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT USING CMS •• 125 SECTION 8. DEVELOPING OS PROGRAMS CMS Using OS Data Sets in CMS ••••• Access Methods Supported by CMS. Using the FILEDEF Command •• Specifying the ddname •• Specifying the Device Type Entering File Identifications •• viii IBM VM/370: CMS User's Guide UNDER .127
.129 .130 .131 131
..132 Specifying CMS Tape Label Processing (5748-XX8) ................ 133 specifyIng Options •••••••••• 133
Creating CMS Files From CS Data sets •• 134
Creating CMS Piles From OS Data sets (5748-XX8). •••••• 134.1 UsIng-CMS-Libraries. ••• 136 The MACLIB Command •••••• _ ••• 137 Using os Macro Libraries •• _ .140 Using OS Under CMS •••••••• 141
Assembling Programs in CMS .143
Executing Programs 144
Executing TEXT Files. .144 TEXT LIERARIES (TXTLlBS) •••• 145
Resolving External References ••••• 146
Controlling the CMS Loader. •• 147
Creating program Modules. •• .149 Using EXEC procedures. .149 SECTION 9. DEVELOPING DOS PROGRAMS UNDER CMS ••••••••••• _ ••• 151
The CMS/DCS Environment ••••••••• 151
DL/I in the CMS/DOS Environment ••••• 152 Using DOS Files on DOS Disks •••••• 154
Reading DOS Files. .154
creating CMS Files from DOS Libraries.155 Using the ASSGN Command •••• _ •••• 156 Using the ASSGN Command •• 156.1
Manipulating Device Assignments •••• 157 Virtual Machine Assignments •••••• 158 Using the DLBL Command. .159
Entering File Identifications. .159 Using DOS Libraries in .160 The SSERV Command. .161
The RSERV Command. ••• _ .162 The PSERV Command. .162
The ESERV Command. •• 163
The DSERV Command. .163 Using DOS Core Image Libraries •••• 164 Using Macro Libraries. .164 CMS MACLIBs. .165
Creating a CMS MACLIB. .165 The MACLIB Command •••••••••• 166 DOS Assembler Language Macros Supported. 169
Assembling Source Prcgrams ••••••• 171
Link-editing Programs in CMS/DOS •••• 172
Linkage Editor Input ••••• _ ••• 173
Linkage Editor Output: CMS DOSLIEs •• 174
Executing Programs in CMS/DOS •••••• 175
Executing DOS Phases ••••••••• 175 Search Order for Executable Phases •• 176 Making I/O Device Assignments. .177
Specifying a Virtual Partition Size •• 177
Setting the UPSI Byte ••••••••• 178 tebugging Programs in CMS/DOS •• _ •• 178 Using EXEC Procedures in CMS/DOS ••• 179 SECTION 10. USING ACCESS METHOD SERVICES AND VSAM UNDER eMS AND CMS/DOS .181
Executing VSAM Programs Under CMS ••• 181 Using the AMSERV Command •••••••• 182 AMSERV Output Listings •••••••• 183
Controlling AMSERV Command Listings •• 184
Manipulating OS and DOS Disks for Use with AMSERV Data and Mastercatalog sharing tisk Compatibility •• .185 •• 185 •• 186
Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by SUppa SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 Using VM/370 Minidisks .187 Using The LISTDS Command. .187 Using Temporary Disks. .188
Defining DOS Input and output Files ••• 190 Using VSAM Catalogs •••••••••• 190 Defining and Allocating Space for VSAM files. .194 Using Tape Input and output •••••• 196
Defining os Input and Output Files ••• 197
Allocating Extents on OS Disks and
Minidisks •••••••••••••• 198 Using VSAM Catalogs •••••••••• 199
Defining and Allocating Space for VSAM files. .202 Using Tape Input and output •••••• 204 Using AMSERV Under CMS ••••••••• 205 using the DEFINE and DELETE Functions.205 Using the REPRO, IMPORT, and EXPORT (or EXPORTRA/IMPORTRA) functions ••• 207 Writing EXECs for AMSERV and VSAM ••• 209 SECTION 11. HOW VM/370 CAN HELP YOU DEBUG YOUR PROGRAMS preparing to Debug When a Program Abends.
Resuming Execution After a Program
Check Using DEBUG Subcommands to Monitor
.212 Program Execution ••••••••••• 213 Using Symbols with DEBUG .214 What To Do When Your Program Loops ••• 216 Tracing Program Activity •• ")1'::' .£IV Using the CP TRACE Command •••••• 217 Using the SVCTRACE command .219 Using CP Debugging Commands. .219 Debugging with CP After a Program Check. .220 Program Dumps. .221 Debugging Modules •••••••••••• 221 Comparison Of CP And CMS Facilities For Debugging ••••••••••••••• 222 What Your Virtual Machine Storage Looks
Like.. .223 Shared and Nonshared Systems ••••• 223 SECTION 12. USING THE CMS BATCH FACILITY ••••• Submitting Jobs to the CMS Batch
Facility ••••••••••••• Input to the Batch Machine How the Batch Facility Works •• preparing Jobs for Batch Execution
Restrictions on CP and CMS Commands .227
.227 .230 .231
in Batch Jobs •••••••••••• 232
Batch Facility Output ••• _ ••••• 232
Purging, Reordering, and Restarting
Batch Jobs. •••••• 233 Using EXEC Files for Input to the Batch
Facility. •••• 234 Sample System Procedures for Batch
Execution .235
Program Linkage. .239
Return Code Handling. ••••• 240 Parameter Lists. .240 Calling a CMS Command from a program •• 241
Executing Program Modules. •• 242
The Transient Program Area •••••• 243 eMS Macro Instructions ••••••••• 243
Macros for Disk File Manipulation ••• 244 CMS Macros for Terminal
Communications. .250 CMS Macros for Unit Record and Tape I/O ••• 250 Interruption Handling Macros .251 Updating Source Programs Using CMS ••• 251
The UPDATE Philosophy. •• 252 Update Files. .252
Sequencing Output Records. •• 254
Multiple Updates •••••••••• The VMFASM EXEC Procedure. •• 262 PART 3. LEARNING TO USE EXEC. .••• 265 SECTION 14. BUILDING EXEC PROCEDURES •• 267
What is a Token? •••.•••.• 267 Variables. •••••• 268
Arguments. •••••• 272 Using the &INDEX Special Variable ••• 273 Checking Arguments. .274 Execution Paths in an EXEC •• 275
Labels in an EXEC Procedure. .275 Conditional Execution with the &IF Statement .276 with the &GOTO Statement •• 277
Eranching with the &SKIP Statement •• 279 Using counters for Loop Controle e .280 LOOP Control with the SLOOP Statement.280 Nestinq EXEC procedures •••••••• 282
Exiting From EXEC Procedures _ •••• 283
Terminal Communications ••••••••• 284
Reading CMS Commands and EXEC Control Statements from the Terminal ••••• 285
Displaying Data at a Terminal ••••• 286
Reading from the Console Stack _ •••• 289
Stacking CMS Commands. .291
Stacking Lines for EXEC to Read •••• 292 Clearing the Console Stack .293
File Manipulation with EXECs ••• 294 Stacking EXEC Files. .294 SECTION 15. USING EXECS WITH CMS COMMANDS. ••••• 299
Monitoring CMS Command Execution •••• 299
Handling Error Returns From CMS Commands. .300 Using the &ERROR Contrel Statement •• 300 Using the &RETCODE Special Variable •• 301 Tailoring CMS Commands fer Your Own Use.302 Creating Your Own Default Filetypes •• 303 SECTION 16. REFINING YOUR EXEC PROCEDURES ••••••••••••••• 305 Annotating EXEC Procedures. .305 Error Situations .306 Writing Error 8essages •••••••• 306 Detugging EXEC Procedures. •• 308 Using CMS Subset .308 Summary of EXEC Interpreter Logic ••• 309 SECTION 17. WRITING EDIT MACROS ••••• 311
creating Edit Macro Files. •• 311
How Edit Macros Work •••••••••• 311
Contents ix
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