and omit the PDS option on the MOVEFlLE command:
Figure 13 summarizes the various ways that you can create CMS files
from OS data sets.
Input File: An OS sequential data set named: COftPUTE.TEST.RECORDS Source Disk: OS RIO C-disk
Cards CMS Command Examples
filedef indd c1 dsn compute test records
filedef outdd disk compute records a1
movefile indd outdd
filedef in.ove tap1 (lrecl 80 filedef out.ove disk test records a1
tappds newtest compute (nopds
filedef cardin reader
filedef diskout disk compute cards a1 movefile cardin diskout
readcard compute test
Input file: OS partitioned data set named: TEST.CASES ftembers nailed: SIMPLE, COMPLEX, MIXED Source Disk: OS RIO C-disk
182 CMS Command Examples
filedef infile disk test cases c1
filedef outfile disk new testcase a1
movefile infile outfile (pds
filedef in c1 dsn test cases {member simple
filedef run disk movefile in run
tappds * testrun (tap2 CftS Output File COMPUTE RECORDS 11 TEST RECORDS 11 NEWTEST COMPUTE 11 COftPUTE CARDS 11 COMPUTE TEST 11 CMS Output File (5) SIMPLE TESTCISE 11 COMPLEX TESTCISE 11 !fIXED TESTCISE FILE RUN 11 SIMPLE TESTRUN 11 COMPLEX TESTRUN 11 MlIED TESTRUN 11 Figure 13. Creating CMS Files From OS Data Sets Using eMS Libraries CMS provides two types of libraries to aid in OS program development: Macro litraries contain macro definitions and/or copy files Text, or program libraries contain relocatable object programs
(compiler output)
These CMS libraries are like OS partitioned data sets; each has a
directory and members. Since they are not like other CMS files, you
create, update, and use them differently than you do other CMS files.
Although these library files are similar in function to OS partitioned
data sets, OS macros should not be used to update them. Macro libraries
are discussed below; text libraries are discussed under "TEXT Libraries (TXTLlBs)" later in this section.
A CMS macro library has a filetype of MACLIB. You can create a MACLIB from files with filetypes of MACRO or COPY. A MACRO file may contain
macro definitions; COpy files contain predefined source statements.
136 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide
When you want to assemble or compile a source program that uses macro
or copy definitions, you must ensure that the library containing the
code is identified before you invoke the compiler. Otherwise, the
library is not searched. you identify libraries to be searched using the GLOBAL command. For example, if you have two ftACLIBs that contain your
private macros and copy files whose names are TESTHAC HACLIB and TESTCOPY MACLIB, you would issue the command:
global maclib test mac testcopy
The libraries you specify on a GLOBAL command line are searched in the
order you specify them. A GLOBAL command remains in effect for the
remainder of your terminal session, until you issue another GLOBAL MACLIB command or re-IPL eMS. To find out what macro libraries are
currently available for searching, issue the command:
query maclib You can reset the libraries or the search order by reissuing the GLOBAL command.
THE MACLIB COMHAND The MACLIB command performs a variety of functions. You use it to: Create the MACLIB (GEN function) Add, delete, or replace members (ADD, DEL, and REP functions) Compress the (COMP function) List the contents of the MAC LIB (MAP function)
tescriptions of these MACLIB command functions fellow. lYD£!i2n: The GEN (generate) function creates a CMS macro library from input files specified On the command line. The input files must
have filetypes of either MACRO or COPY. For example:
maclib gen osmac access time put regequ
creates a macro library with the file identifier OSMAC MACLIB A1 from
macros existing in the files with the file identifiers:
ACCESS { MACRO}, TIME { MACRO}, PUT {MACRO}, and REGEQU {MACRO} COpy COpy COpy COpy If a file named OSMAC MACLIB A1 already exists, it is erased.
Assume that the files ACCESS MACRO, TIME COPY, PUT MACRO, and REGEQU COpy exist and contain macros in the following form:
ACCESS MACRO TIME COpy PUT MACRO REGEQU COpy ------------ --------- --------- -----------
GET *COpy TTlftER PUT XREG TTl MER PUT *COPY STlMER YREG STlMER Section 8. Developing as programs Under CftS 137
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