want to make to the data. To copy files
GETFILE subcommand. Using the file TEST
edit test1 file
getfile test file a 1 250 file
edit test2 file
getfile test file a 251 250 with the editor, you use the
FILE as an example, you might
Again, you could erase the original TEST FILE when you are through with
your edit session. When you enter a FILE or SAVE subcommand or when an automatic save
request is issued, the editor writes a copy of the file you are editing
onto disk, and names it EDIT CMSUT1. If this causes the disk to become
full, you receive the message: DMSBWR170S DISK 'mode(cuu)' IS FULL The editor erases the workfile, and issues the message:
The original file (as last written onto disk) remains unchanged. You can use the CMS subcommand to enter CMS subset, and erase any files that
you do not need. You can use the LISTFILE command to list the files on
the disk, then the ERASE command to erase the unwanted files.
If you cannot erase any of the files on the disk, there are several
alternate recovery paths you can take:
1. If you have another read/write disk accessed, you can use the F80DE subcommand to change the filemode of the file, so that when you
file it, it is written to the other disk. If you have a read/write
disk that is not accessed, you can access it in CMS subset. After
filing the file on the second disk, erase the original copy, and
then use the COPYFILE command to transfer the file back to its
original disk.
2. If you do not have any other read/write disk in your virtual
machine, you may be able to transfer some of your files to another
user, using the PUNCH or DISK DUMP commands in CMS subset. When the
files have been read onto the other user's disk, you can erase them
from your disk. Then, return to edit mode and issue the FILE
3. In CMS subset, erase the original disk file (if it existed), then
return to edit mode and file the copy that you are editing. You should not use this method unless absolutely necessary, since any
unexpected problems may result in the loss of both the disk file
and the copy.
After you use the FILE subcommand to write the file onto disk, you
should continue erasing any files you no longer need. 90 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide
Summary of EDIT Subcommands
The EDIT subcommands, and their formats, are shown in Figure 7. Refer to
the for complete details.
Subcommand Format Function
ALter char1 char2
r , AUTOsave In I IOFFI L .I r
BAckward I nl I 11 L .I Bottom r , CASE i M i I U I L .J r , I n r , I I * I Gil I 1 I * I i
L L .J .I IScans the next n records of Ithe file, alterIng the speci­ Ified character, either once in
leach line or for all cccur­ Irences in the line • IAutomatically saves the file Ion disk after the indicated
Inumber of lines have been
IPoints the current line Ipointer to a line above the
Iline currently pointed to. I IMakes the last line of the
Ifile the current line. IIndicates whether translation Ito uppercase is to be done; or
Idisplays the current status. I r Change [/string1[/string2[1 In r " 1 Changes string 1 to string2 for IGI I ]]]Ig records or to EOF, either CMS r ,
DELete I n I I * I I 1 I L .I r , DOwn I n I I 1 I L .I DString I[string [I] ]
FILE [fn eft [fm]]] 11 L 1*11 Ifor the first occurrence in
L .1.1 1 each line or for all
loccurrences. IEnters CMS subset command Imode. iDeletes n lines or to the lof the fIle (*). .uu. I I I IPoints to the nth line from Ithe current line. I I IDeletes all lines from the
'current line down to the line
Icontaining the indicated
Istring. ISaves the file being edited ani Idisk or changes its identi- I Ifiers. Returns to CMS. I __________________________ .1 Figure 7. Summary of EDIT Subcommands and Macros (Part 1 of 4)
Section 5. The CMS Editor 91
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