A label may have control statements or commands following it; for
-HERE &CONTINUE which indicates that the processing is to continue with the next line,
-END &EXIT The &EXIT control statement indicates that the EXEC processor should
terminate execution of the EXEC and return contrel to CMS. You can also
specify a return code on the &EXIT control statement: &EXIT 6
results in a "(00006)" following the "Rn in the CMS ready message. If
you invoke a CMS command from the EXEC, you can specify that the return
code from the CMS command be used: &EXIT &RETCODE Since the &RETCODE special variable is set after each CMS command that
is executed r you can test it after any command to decide whether you
want execution to end. For example, you could use the &IP control
state.ent to test it: SIF &RETCODE NE 0 SEXIT SRETCODE "&EXIT &RETCODE" places the value of the CMS return code in the CMS ready message. You could place a line similar to the above following
each of your CMS command lines, or you could use the SERROR control statement
that will cause an exit as soon as an error is encountered: SERROR &EXIT &RETCODE
or you could use the &ERROR control statement to transfer control to
some other part of your EXEC: SERROR &GOTO -CHECK
Another way to transfer control to another line is to use the &SKIP control statement: &SKIP 10 transfers control to a line that is 10 lines below the &SKIP line. You can transfer control above the current line as well:
&IF &X NE &Y &SKIP -3
Transferring control with &SKIP is faster, when an EXEC is executing,
than it is with &GOTO
but modifying your EXEC files becomes more
difficult, particularly when you add or delete many lines. 104 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide
You can use combinations of &IF, &GOTO, and &SKIP to set up loops in
an EIEC. For example: &1 = 1
&IF &1 = 4 &GOTO -ENDPRT
PRINT FILE&I TEST A &1 = &1 + 1 &SKIP -3 -ENDPRT or, you can use the &LOOP control statement: &1 = 1 SLOOP 2 &1 > 3
PRINT FILE&I TEST &1 = &1 + 1 -ENDPRT In both of these examples, a loop is established to print the files
FILE1 TEST, FILE2 TEST, and FILE3 TEST. &1 is initialized with a value
of 1 and then incremented within the loop. The loop executes until the
value of &1 is greater than 3. As soon as this condition is met, control
is passed to the label -ENDPRT. COMPARING VARIABLE SYMBOLS AND CONSTANTS In an EIEC, you can test whether a certain condition is true, and then perform some function based on the decision. Some examples have already appeared in this section, such as: &LOOP 3 &1 EQ &Y In this example, the value of the variable &1 is tested for an equal
comparison with the value of the variable &Y. The loop is executed until
the condition (&1 equal to &Y) is true.
The logical comparisons you can make are:
Condition equiI---- EQ =
not equal NE ..,= greater than GT >
less than LT <
greater than
or equal to GE >=
less than or
equal to LE <= When you are testing a condition in an EIEC file, you can use either the
mnemonic or the symbol to represent the condition:
&IF &A LT &B &GOTO -NEXT is the same as:
&IF SA < &B &GOTO -NEXT Section 6. Introduction to the EXEC Processor 105
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