r Control statement &CONTROL r ,r ,r ,r , I 0 FF I I I I TI MEl I I IERRORI INOMSGI INOPACKI I I L .J L .J L ..I ,ALL , L .J &EMSG mmmnnns [tok1 [ ••• tokn]]
r , &ERROR I executable-statement I I L .J r , &EXIT I return-code I I .Q I L .J &GOTO {TOP } linenumber
-label / &HEX {ON } {OFF} =
tok2 } executable-
&$ statement
&* &LOOP { n } { II }
-label condition
Function ISets, until further notice, Ithe characteristics of the lexecuticn summary of the EXEC, Iwhich is displayed at the Iconsole. I I IDisplays a line of tokens las a CMS error message. ITerminates a series of lines Ifollowing an &EEGEMSG, I&BEGPUNCB, &BEGSTACK, or I&BEGTYPE control statement. IExecutes the specified
Istatement whenever a CMS Icommand returns a nonzero Ireturn code. IExits from the EXEC file with Ithe given return code. I I ITransfers control to the top lof the EXEC file, to the given Iline, or to the line starting Iwith the given label. ITurns on or off hexadecimal I conversion.
Executes the specified
statement if the condition is
satisfied. ILoops through the following B Ilines, cr down to (and includ-I ling) the line at label, for I III times, or until the I Icondition is satisfied. I -----------------------------------------------------------------------1 &PUNCH [tok1 [ ••• tokn]] IPunches the specified tokens I Ito your virtual card punch. I L- ________________________________________________________________________ ..1 Figure 9. Summary of EXEC Control statements (Part 2 of 3) 110 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide
Control Statement r , SREAD In I 11 I IARGS I IVARS [&var1 ( ••• &var17]]1 L r , &SKIP I n I I 1 I L .J r , &SPACE I n I I 1 I L .J r , r , &STACK I 111Q I Itok1 ( ••• tokn]1 ILIFO I I HT I L .J I RT I r , &TIKE ION I IQ11 I ,RESETI ITYPE I L .J
L &TYPE [tokl ( ••• tokn]]
Function IReads lines from the terminal lor from the console stack. IARGS assigns the tokens read Ito the variables &1, &2 ••• IVARS assigns the tokens read Ito the specified variable Isymbols. ITransfers control forward or Ibackward a specified number
lof lines. I IDisplays blank lines at the Iterminal. I I IStacks a line in the terminal
linput stack. I I I IDisplays timing information Ifollowing the execution of ICMS commands. I I I IDisplays a line at the Iterminal. Figure 9. Summary of EXEC Control Statements (Part 3 of 3) Section 6. Introduction to the EXEC Processor 111
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