Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. S£23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 ERROR PROCESSING When the standard label processing routines find errors or discrepancies
on tape labels, they send a message to the CMS terminal user who is
processing the tape. After an error message is issued, the user can ask
the system operator to mount a new tape, use the CMS TAPE command to
position the tape at a different file, or respecify his label
description information. If you are a terminal user and want another
tape mounted, you send the system operator a message telling him what
tape to mount. Some errors cause program termination and others do not. The effect
of tape label processing errors depends on both the type of error and
the type of program (that is, CMS/DOS, OS simulation, CMS command, etc.)
that invokes the label processing. The following are general guidelines
on error handling: Messages identifying the error are always issued. Onder OS simulation, tape label errors result in open errors. These
errors prevent a tape file from being opened. They do not
necessarily end a job. Errors in trailer labels (except block count
errors) have no effect on processing. In CMS/DOS, the terminal user is generally given two choices: ignore
the error or cancel the job. The new-tape option is not allowed. The CMS commands TAPEMAC and TAPPDS terminates with a non-zero return
code after a tape label error. Certain error situations such as unexpired files and block count
errors for OS simulation allow the user to ignore the error and do
not cause open errors. In these cases, the user enters his decision
at the terminal after he is notified of the error. Errors that occur during the loading of an NSt routine cause an abend
(code 155 or 15A). A block count abend gives an error code of 500. In all cases, after an error has been detected and diagnosed, you
.ust decide what to do. you may wish to have a new tape mounted and
then re-execute the command or you may want to respecify your tABELDEF
description if it Was incorrect. You can also use the TAPE command to
space the tape to a new file if it was positioned incorrectly.
THE MOVEFILE COMMAND The MOVEFILE command can copy sequential tape files into disk files, or
sequential disk files onto tape. It can be particularly useful when you
need to copy a file from a tape and you do not know the format of the
To use the MOVEFILE command, you must first define the input and
output files using the FILEDEF command. For example, to copy a file from
a tape attached to your virtual machine at virtual address 181 to a CMS disk, you would enter:
filedef input tap1
filedef output disk tape file a
movefile input output
122.14 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide
Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-118 This sequence of commands creates a file named TAPE FILE A1. Then use CMS commands to manipulate and examine the contents of the file. MOVEFILE can also be used to display tape labels and/or 'move labelled
tape files. See "Tape Labels in CMS" for details. TAPES CREATED BY OS UTILITY PROGRAMS The CMS command TAPPDS can read OS partitioned and sequential data sets
from tapes created by the IEBPTPCH, IEBUPDTE, and IEHftOVE utility
programs. When you use the TAPPDS command
the OS data set is copied
into a CMS disk file, or in the case of partitioned data sets, into
multiple disk files. Sequential or partitioned data sets created by IEBPTPCH must
be unblocked for CMS to read them. If you have a tape created by this
utility, each member (if the data set is partitioned) is preceded with a
card that contains "MEMBER=membername". If you read this tape with the
tappds *
then, CMS creates a disk file from each member, using the membername for
the filename and assigning a filetype of CKSUT1. If you want to assign a
particular filetype, for example TEST, you could enter the command as
tappds * test
If the file you are reading is a sequential data set, you should use the NOPDS option of the TAPPDS command: tappds test file (nopds
The above command reads a sequential data set and assigns it a file
identifier of TEST FILE. If you do not specify a filename or filetype,
the default file identifier is TAPPDS CKSUT1. Tapes in control file format created by the IEBUPDTE utility
program can be read by CMS. Data sets may be blocked or unblocked, and may be either sequential or partitioned; Since files created by IEBUPDTE contain ./ADD control cards to signal the addition of members to partitioned data sets, you must use the COL1 option of the TAPPDS command. Also, you must indicate to CMS that the tape was created by IEBUPDTE. For example, to read a partitioned data set, you would enter
the command:
tappds * test (update co11 Section 7. Using Real Printers, Punches, Readers, and Tapes 122.15
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