Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. St23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 os Term/Function Cataloged procedure
Data set
Data Definition (DD)
Data Set Control Block (DSCB) EXEC card
Job Control Language (JCL) Link-editing
Load module Object module Partitioned data set STEPCAT,JOBCAT STEPLIB, JOBLIB Utility pro grail Volulle Table of Contents (VTOC) CMS Equivalent EXEC files can execute command sequences
similar to cataloged procedures, and provide
for conditional execution based on return
codes from previous steps.
Data sets are called files in CMS files
are always sequential but CMS simulates OS partitioned data sets. CMS reads and writes VSAM data sets.
The FlLEDEF command allows you to perform the
functions of the DD statement to specify
device types and output file dispositions.
Information about a CMS disk file is contained
in a file status table (FST).
To execute a program in CMS you specify only
the name of the program if it is an EXEC, MODULE file, or CMS command. To execute TEXT files, use the LOAD and START commands. CMS and user-written commands perform the
functions of JCL. The eMS LOAD command loads object decks (TEXT files) into virtual storage, and resolves
external references; the GEHMOn command
creates absolute nonrelocatable modules. eMS MODULE files (resulting from the LOAD and GEHMOD commands) are nonrelocatable.
Language compiler output is placed in CMS files with a filetype of TEXT. CMS MACLlBs and TXTLlBs are the only CMS files
that resemble partitioned data sets. VSAM catalogs can be assigned for jobs or job
steps in eMS by using the special ddnames IJSYSCT and lJSYSUC when identifying catalogs.
The GLOBAL command estatlishes macro and text
libraries; you can indirectly provide job
libraries by accessing and releasing CMS disks
that contain the files and programs you need.
Functions similar to those performed by the OS utility programs are provided by eMS commands.
The list of files on a eMS disk is contained
in a file directory for 800-byte format eMS disks, or in the file directory for CMS disks
with a 1024-, 2048-, or 4096-byte block format
Figure 11. as Terms and CMS Equivalents
128 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide
Using OS Data Sets in eMS You can have as disks defined in your virtual machine configuration;
they may be either entire disks or minidisks: their size and extent
depends on their VM/370 directory entrieso You can use partitioned and
sequential data sets on as disks in CMS. If you want, you can create CMS files from your as data sets. If you have data sets on as disks,
you can read them from programs you execute in CMS, but you cannot
update them. The CMS commands that recognize as data sets on as disks
are listed in Figure 12.
FILEDEF GLOBAL I I I I I LISTDS I MOVEFILE QUERY RELEASE STATE I ! Operation Makes the as disk containing the data set available
to your CMS virtual machine.
Assembles an as source program under CMS. Copies an entire as disk to tape.
Defines as data sets for use with access method services
and VSAM files for program input/output.
Defines the as data set for use under CMS by associating
an as ddname with an as data set name. Once defined,
the data set can be used by an as program running under eMS and can be manipulated by the other commands that
support as functions. Makes macro libraries available to the assembler. You can
prepare an as macro library for reference by the GLOBAL command by issuing a FILEDEF command for the data set and
giving the data set a filetype of MACLIB. Lists information describing as data sets residing on
as disks. Moves data records from one device to another device. Each
device is specified by a ddname, which must have been
defined via You can use the MOVEFILE command to
create CMS files from as data sets.
Lists (1) the files that have been defined with the
FILEDEF and DLBL commands (QUERY FILEDEF, QUERY DLBL), or I (2) the status of as disks attached to your virtual machinel (QUERY DISK, QUERY SEARCH). I Releases an as disk you have accessed (via ACCESS) from
your CMS virtual machine.
verifies the existence of an as data set on a disk.
Before STATE can verify the existence of the data set,
you must have defined it (via FILEDEF). I I I I I I I Figure 12. CMS Commands That Recognize as Data Sets and as Disks Section 8. Developing as programs Under CMS 129
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