April 27, 1981
134.2 IBM VM/370 User's Guide
Before using the MOVEFILE command, you must define the input and
output data sets or files and assign them ddnames using the FILEDEF
command. If you use the ddnames INMOVE and OUTMOVE, then you do not
need to specify the ddnames when you issue the MOVEFILE command. For example, the following sequence of commands copies a eMS disk file into
your virtual card punch:
filedef inmove disk disk in file a1
filedef outmove punch
move file
The result of these commands is effectively the same as if you had
issued the command:
punch disk in file (noheader
The example does, however, illustrate the basic relationship between the
FILEDEF and MOVEFILE commands. In addition to the MOVEFILE command, if
the as input data set is on tape or cards, you can use the TAPPDS or
READCARD command to create eMS files. These are also discussed below. DATA SETS FROM DISK: The MOVEFILE command copies a
sequential OS disk data set-froi-a--read-only os disk into an integral CMS file on a eMS read/write disk. You use FILEDEF commands to identify
the input file disk mode and data set name:
filedef inmove c1 dsn sales manual
the eMS output file's disk location and fileid:
filedef outmove disk sales manual a1
and then you issue the MOVEFILE command:
movefile COPYING PARTITIONED DATA SETS FROM DISK: The MOVEFILE command can copy partItlonea-aata-sets-(PDS)-Into-CMS-aIsk files, and create separate eMS files for each member of the data set. You can have the entire data set
copied, or you can copy only a selected member. For example, if you
have a partitioned data set named ASSEMBLE.SOORCE whose members are
individual assembler language source files, your input file definition might be:
filedef inmove c1 dsn assemble source
To create individual eMS ASSEMBLE files, you would issue the output file
definition as:
filedef outmove disk qprint assemble a1
Then use the PDS option of the MOVEFILE command:
movefile (pds When the eMS files are created, the filetYFe on the output file
definition is used for the filetype and the member names are used
instead of the eMS filename you specified.
If you want to copy only a single member, you can use the MEMBER option of the FILEDEF command:
filedef inmove disk assemble source c (member qprint
Section 8. Developing OS programs Under eMS 135
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