Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1919 by Supp. St23-9024-1 for 5148-XX8 In the above example, the member was punched with the NOHEADER option of
the PUNCH co •• and, so that a name could be assigned on the READCARD com.and line. If a header card had been created for the file, it would
have indicated the filename and file type as GET MEMBER. If you use the MOVEFILE command, you must issue a file definition fer
the input member name and the output macro or copy nalle before entering
the ftOVEFILE command:
filedef inmove disk testcopy maclib (member enter
filedef outmove disk enter copy a 1I0vefile This example copies the lIember ENTER from the macro library TESTCOPY MACLIB into a CMS file named ENTER COPY. When you use the PUNCH or MOVEFILE commands to extract members from CMS MlCLIBs, each meaber is followed by a II record, which is a MICLIB deliaiter. You can edit the file and use the DELETE subcommand to
delete the II record.
If you wish to move the complete MACLIB to another file, use the COPYFILE command. The macro libraries that are on the system disk contain CMS and CS asseabler language lIacros that you may want to use in your programs: CMSLIB MACLIB contains the CMS macros. I DMSB20 MAC LIB contains the CMS macros for VM/310 Basic System Extensions (Program No. 5148-XX8). OSMACRO MACLIB contains the OS macros that CMS supports or simulates
or those that require no CMS support. OSMACR01 MACLIB contains the macros CMS does not support or simulate. (You can assemble programs in CMS that contain these macros, but you must execute them in an OS virtual machine.) TSOMAC MACLIB contains TSO macros. DOSMACRO !ACLIB contains macros used in CMS/DOS. To obtain a list of the macros in any of these libraries, use the MIP function of the MlCLIB command. USING OS MACRO LIBRARIES If you want to assemble source programs that contain macro statements
that are defined in macro libraries on your OS disks, you can use the
FILEDEF command to identify them to CMS so that you can name them when
you issue the GLOBAL cOllmand. For eXample, the commands:
filedef cmslib disk temp maclib c dsn test asm macros
global maclib--temp ------- allow you to access the macro library TEST.ASM.MACROS on the OS disk
accessed as your C-disk. 140 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide
of GC20-1819-2 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0826 When issue a FILEDEF command for an assembler language macro library must use a ddname of CMSLIB and you must provide a CMS file for +he as data set. In the example above, the as macro library is qiven the CMS file identifier TEMP MACLIB. If want to use more than one as macro library you must issue a
FILEDEF for each library using the ddname CMSLIB and specifyinq
the CON:AT option. For example: fileief cmslib disk asp1 maelib * dsn asp1 macros rl (concat reefm fb block 3360 80
filedef cmslib disk asp2 maclib * dsn asp2 rl (coneat
filedef cmslib disk sys1 maelib * dsn sys1 maclib (eoncat
qlobal asp1 asp2 sys1 osmaero ems lib
The command establishes the search order of the libraries as: ASP1.MACROS.RL, ASP2.MACROS.RL, SYS1.MACLIB, OSMACRO MACLIB, and CMSLIB HACLI B. Note that the th ird library specified is entered in an abbreviited form. You can use this form when the data set name of the
macro library has only two qualifiers and the second qualifier is MACLIB; thus, the equivalency is established between SYS1.M!CLIB and the CMS file identifier SYS1 MACLIB.
The file format information describes the macro libraries to CMS; when YOl are concatenating as macro libraries, they must all be in the
same format, since the options entered on the first FILEDEF command are apnlied tD all the libraries. Also, if you want to use the FILEDEF option PERM, the first FILEDEF
command for concatenated macro libraries should describe the first ____ ______ _______ ___ _____ ____ :_ .L.LOl.::ll.Y.Lll I..lll;::: ..... ulllillauu. "110:::::11 a. ..... Uu ..... a.LO:::::llal..t:;u llIa. ..... .L.U .I...I...LJ.L.a..L.J .1..;::' closed after use, the eMS in the ECB is restored to the first
name irr the qlobal list. If'this is not the one specified on the
oriqinal FILEryEF, subsequent use may cause errors. Reissue the FILEDEF command.
If vou ire using only one OS macro library in addition to CMS MACLTBs, VOJ can enter the CONCAT option or leave it out: filedef cmslib disk lib1 maclib * dsn sys1 maclib (concat qlDbal maclib lib1 cmslib
or --
filedef cmslib disk lib1 maclib * dsn sys1 maclib maclib lib1 cmslib
To identify libraries for use with the lanquage processors, you must
use the ddname SYSLIB. Using OS Macro under eMS You can assemble and execute proqrams under CMS that use OS macros.
Fiqure 14 lists the OS macros that CMS simulates. The macros that are
listed as "Effective no-opu and "no-op" are macros that are not in you can assemble programs that contain these macros,
but when execute them in CMS the macro functions are not performed.
To execJte these proqrams, you must run them in an as virtual machine. For a detailed description of how CMS simulates the functions of
these ma:::ros, and to see whether any particular function of a macro is
not supported, see System GU!gg. section 8. Developing as Programs Under eMS 141
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