April 1, 1981
146.2 VM/37Q User's Guide
of GC20-1819-2 As Updated Aoril 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0826 At execution time, if there are still any unresolved references, their are all set to 0 by the loader, so any attempt to
address them in a program may result in a proqram check.
The INCLUDE command has the same format and option list (with one the LOAD command. The main difference is that when you
issue the INCLUDE command the loader tables are not reset; if you issue
two commands in succession, the second LOAD command cancels the
effect the first, and the pointers to the files loaded are lost.
:onverselv, the INCLUDE command, which you must issue when you want
to load additional files into storage, should not be used unless you
have lust issued a LOAD command. You may specify as many INCLUDE commands a5 necessary followinq a LOAD command to load files into
storage. CONTROLLING THE CMS LOADER The LaAD ani INCLUDE commands allow you to specify a number of options. You can: Chanqe the entry point to which control is to be passed when
execution begins (RESET option). Soecifv the location in virtual storage at which you want the files be loaded (OFIGIN option). Control how resolves references and handles duplicate :SECT names (AUTJ, LIB, and DUP options).
,. Clear to binary zeros before loading files (:LEAR option). that eMS does not clear user storage unless the :LEAR option is used. )
When the LOAD and INCLUDE commands execute, they produce a load map,
indicatinq the entry points loaded and their virtual storage locations. You may finj this load map USeful in debugging your programs. If you do
not 5pe=ifv the NOMAP option, the load map is written onto your A-disk,
in a file LOAD A5. Each time you issue the LOAD command, the
old file LOAD is erased and the new load map replaces it. If you do
not want to produce a load map, specify the NOMAP option. You can
discussion find details
of the LOAD about these, and
command in other options under the In to the options provided with the LOAD and INCLUDE commands
that aS5ist in controlling the execution of TEXT files, you can also
use loaier control statements. These can be inserted in TEXT. files,
using the editor. The loader control statements allow you to: Set the -location counter to specify the address at which the next TEXT file is to be loaded (SLC statement) Section 8. Developing OS Programs Onder CMS 141
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