Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 set dos on g
to indicate that the SYSRES is located on your G-disk. If you are going
to use the CMS/DOS librarian facilities to access any of the libraries
on the system residence volume, you must enter the CMS/DOS environment
this way.
If you are using CMS exclusively for DOS applications, you could put
the ACCESS and SET DOS ON commands in your PROFILE EXEC. If you are going to use access method services functions in CMS/DOS, or execute functions that read or write VSAa data sets, you must use the VSAM option of the SET DOS ON command:
set dos on g (vsam When you are using CMS/DOS, you can use your virtual machine just as
you would if you were in the CMS environment; but you cannot execute any CMS commands or program modules that load and/or use as macros. The SCRIPT command, for example, uses as macros, and is therefore invalid in
the CMS/DOS environment. You have, however, in addition to the CP and CMS commands available,
a series of commands that simulate DOS/VSE functions. Except for the
DLBL and DOSLIB commands, these commands or operands should only be
issued in the CMS/DOS environment.
The CMS/DOS commands are summarized in Figure 15. Dl/I in the eMS/DOS Environment
Batch DL/I programs can be
environment. This includes all
Assembler language.
written and tested in the
programs written in COBOL, CMS/DOS PL/I, and
Data base description generation and program specification block
generation can also be executed. However, the application control block
generation must be submitted to a DOS/VSE virtual machine for execution.
The data tase recovery and reorganization utilities must also be
executed in a DOS/VSE virtual machine.
This support provides the ability to: Interactively code DL/I control blocks and application programs that
contain imbedded DL/I calls. Store and maintain macros used to generate DL/I
programs created under CMS, in the CMS library.
are thus isolated from the test environment.
control blocks, and
Production libraries Modify and compile programs using the CMS/DOS text manipulation and EXEC facilities. Link-edit and execute batch DL/I programs either interactively or in CMSBATCH. Online DL/I application programs requiring access to CICS/VS must be submitted to a DOS/VSE virtual machine fer
link-editing, cataloging, and execution.
The following restrictions apply:
All the existing guidelines and restrictions that apply to VSAM data
set creation, maintenance, and application program use apply to DL/I
data sets.
152 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide
Relates system and programmer logical units to physical
Relates a program ddname (filename) to a real disk file
so you can perform input/output operations on it.
Lists or deletes phases fro. a CMS/DOS phase library. or
compresses the library.
Link-edits CMS TEXT files or DOS phases from system or
private relocatable libraries.
Displays the directories of DOS libraries.
An EXEC procedure that invokes the DOS/VS PL/I compiler.
An EXEC procedure that invokes the ESERV utility functions
on edited assembler language macros.
An EXEC procedure that invokes the DOS/VS COBOL compiler.
Loads executable phases from a DOSLIE or DOS library into
storage for execution, and optionally starts execution. When you want DOSLIBs searched for executable phases or
macro libraries searched for macro definitions, you must identify them with the GLOBAL command.
Displays the current assignments of system and
logical units, and optionally creates an EXEC file to
contain the information. Sets or changes the options in effect for the DOS/iS COBOL compiler. Use QUERY command operands to list current DLBL defintions (QUERY DLBL), to determine whether or not you are in
the CMS/DOS environment (QUERY DOS), the setting of the UPSI byte (QUERY UPSI), the DOSLIBs identified by GLOBAL commands (QUERY DOSLIB or QUERY LIERARY) the current
number of lines per page (QUERY DOSLNCNT), which options
are in effect for the COBOL compiler (QUERY OPTION). or to
find out whether you have set a virtual partition size (QUERY DOSPART). Creates CMS files with a filetype of PROC from the DOS/VS procedure library, or displays, prints or punches
Copies a relocatable module from a DOS library and places
it in a CMS file with a filetype of TEXT, or displays,
prints, or punches modules. The SET co.mand has operands that allow you to enter or
leave the CMS/DOS environment (SET DOS ON or SET DOS OFF), to set the number of SYSLST lines per page (SET DOSLNCNT), to set the UPSI byte (SET UPSI), and to set a virtual I partition size (SET DOSPART) I I Creates CMS COPY files from books on DOS source statement I libraries. I Figure 15. CMS/DOS Commands and CMS/DOS CMS Commands with Special Operands for Section 9. Developing DOS Programs Under CMS 153
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