Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 up to 44
operand of file-ide characters including periods),
FILEDEF and the? operand of
you must use the DSN ? LISTDS to enter the Des You can create individual CMS files for DOS modules from a Des
library distribution tape or DOS SYSIN tape. Use the VMFDOS command.
The VMFDOS command can create a CMS file for each DOS module that
exists, and the CMS filename corresponds to the DOS module naae. You can restore individual modules, groups of modules, or the entire
module set.
For DOS library distribution tapes, the VMFDOS command restores
modules from either system or private (relocatable and/or source
statement) libraries. The created CMS files have a filetype of 'TEXT' if they are from a relocatable library. They have a filetype
of 'MACRO' if they are from a source statement library.
For DOS SYSIN tapes, modules containing a period as the second
character (for example, 'A.') of a DOS 'CATALx' control statement
have a filetype of 'MACRO'. All other files have a filetype cf 'TEXT'. The VMFDOS com.and is described in the §yide. If you have DOS files or source programs on cards, you can create CftS files directly by having these cards read into the real systea card
reader. You direct the cards to your virtual machine by punching a CP ID card in this format:
ID HARMONY and placing this card in front of your card deck. When the cards
appear in your virtual card reader, you can read them onto your CftS A-disk with the READCARD command:
readcard dataproc assemble You can use the editor to remove any DOS control cards that aay be
included in the deck. See "Tape Labels in eMS" for a description of CMS tape label
processing for CMS/DOS tape files. The support for tape labels is
only for files defined by a DTFMT macro. If you do not use this
macro, CMS bypasses IBM standard labels on input tapes and writes a
tape mark over any existing labels on an output tape. The CftS LABELDEF command is equivalent in CMS/DOS to the DOS/VM TLBL control
statement when standard tape label processing is used.
156 IBM V8/370 CMS User's Guide
Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 Using the ASSGN Command
The ASSGN and DLBL commands perform the same functions for CMS/DOS as
the ASSGN and DLBL control statements in nOS/VSE. You use the A5SGB command to designate an I/O device for a system or programmer logical
unit (SYSxxx) and, if the device is a disk device, you can use the
DLBL command to establish a real file identification for a symbolic
filename in a program. The DLBL command is described under nUsing the DLBL Command."
In addition to using the ASSGN command to relate real I/O devices
with symbolic units, you must use it in eMS/DOS to: Assign SYSIN or SYSIPT for the input source file for a language
compiler when you use the DOSPLI or FCOBOL commands. Identify the disk, by mode letter, on which a private core image,
relocatable, or source statement library resides. Section 9. Developing DOS Programs Under CMS 156.1
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