Page of GC20-1819-2 As Updated April 27, 1981 by TNL SN25-0828 For 5748-XE1 terminal. You can also use the SORT option to create a list in
collating sequence.
In order to examine a system directory, you must have CMS/DOS environment specifying the mode letter -of the residen:::e: set dos on f
entered the DOS system
If you want to examine the directory of a private source statement,
core image, or relocatable library you must issue the ASSGN and DLBL
commands establishing SYSSLB, SYSCLB, or SYSRLB before using the DSERV command. For to display at your terminal an alphameric list of
procedures cataloged on the system procedure library, you would issue:
dserv pd (sort term
If the directory you are exam1n1ng is for a core image library, you
can specify a particular phase name to ascertain the existence of the
dserv cd phase $$bopen (term
To list the directory of a private source statement library, you
would first issue the ASSGN and DLBL commands:
assqn sysslb b
dlbl ijsyssl b dsn test source (sysslb
then enter the DSEFV command:
dserv sd
The CMS file, DSERV MAP A, that is created in this example contains the
directory of the private source statement library TEST. SOURCE. USING DOS CORE IMAGE LIBRARIES You can load core image phases from DOS core image libraries into
virtual storage and execute them under CMS/DOS. Since CMS cannot write
directly to DOS disks, linkage editor output under CMS/DOS is placed in
a special CMS file called a DOS LIB. When you execute the FETCH command
in CMS/DOS you can load phases from either system or private DOS core
image libraries as well as from CMS DOSLIBs. More information on using
the FETCH command is contained under "Executing Programs in CMS/DOS." Using Macro Libraries DOS/VS macro libraries cannot be accessed directly by the VM/370 assembler. If you want to assemble DOS programs in CMS/DOS that use DOS macro or copy files that are on the system or a private macro library you must first create a CMS macro library (MACLIB) containing the macros
you wish to use. Since the process of creating a CMS MACLIB from the DOS system source statement library (E sub library) can be very
time-consuming, you should check with your installation's system
programmer to see if it has already been done, and to verify the
filename of the macro library, so that you can use it in CMS/DOS. ]Qig: The DOS/VSE PL/I and DOS/VSE COBOL compilers executing in CMS/DOS cannot read macro or copy files from CMS MACLIBs. 164 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide
If you want to extract DOS system macros tc modify them for your
private use, or if you want to use macros from a private library in you must use the procedure outlined below to create the MACLIB files. CMS MACLIBS A CMS macro library has a filetype of MACLIB. You can create a MACLIB from files with filetypes of MACRO or COPY. A MACRO file may contain
macro definitions; COpy files contain predefined source statements. When you want to assemble a source program that uses macro or copy
definitions, you must ensure that the library containing the code is
identified before you invoke the Otherwise
the library is
not searched. you identify libraries to be searched using the GLOBAL command. For example, if you have two that contain your private
macros and copy files whose names are TESTMAC MACLIB and TESTCOFY MACLIB, you would issue the command:
global maclib test mac testcopy
The libraries you specify on a GLOBAL command line are searched in the order you specify them. ! GLOBAL command remains in effect for the
remainder of your terminal session, or until you IPL To find out
what macro libraries are currently available fer searching, issue the
command: query You can reset the libraries or the search order by reissuing the GLOBAL command.
To create a eMS macro library, each macro or copy file you want included
in the must first be contained in a file with a filetype of COpy or If you are creating a file from a DOS library
you must use the SSERV command to copy a file from any source statement
library other than an E sublibrary, or use the ESERV command to copy and macro from an E sublibrary. The SSERV command uses a default
filetype of COpy; the ESERV command uses a default filetype of The example how to copy macros
and shows how to create and use the macros.
from various sources
that contains these
1. Enter the environment with the DOS system residence on a disk accessed as .ode c:
set dos on c
2. Copy the macro book named OPEN from the A sublibrary of the system
source statement library:
sserv a open Section 9. Developing DOS programs Under 165
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