LOADING CMS IN THE VIRTUAL MACHINE: THE IPL COMMAND You load CMS in your virtual machine using the IPL command:
cp ipl cms
where "cms" is assumed to be the saved system name
installation's CMS. You could also load CMS by referring to
its virtual device address, such as 190: cp ipl 190 VM/370 responds by displaying a message such as: CMS VERSION v.3 - 02/28/76 12:02 for your
it using
to indicate that the IPL command executed successfully and that CMS is
loaded into your virtual machine. Your userid may be set up for an automatic IPL, this message, indicating that you are in the CMS without having to issue the IPL command.
so that you receive
command environment,
Now you can enter a null line to begin your virtual machine
Note: If this is the first time you are using a new virtual disk assigned to you, you receive the message: DMSACC112S DISK'A(191)' DEVICE ERROR and you
must "format" the disk, that is, prepare See "Formatting Virtual Disks" below. Logical Line Editing Symbols it for use with CMS To aid you in entering command or data lines from your terminal, VM/370 provides a set of logical line editing symbols, which you can use to
correct mistakes as you enter lines. Each symbol has been assigned a
default character value. These normally are: Logical
character delete
line end
line delete
escape m # ¢ " The logical character delete symbol allows you to delete one or more
of the previous characters entered. The m deletes one character per w entered, including the ¢ and' logical editing characters. For example: ABC#mm results in AB ABCwD results in ABD ¢wDEF results in DEF ABCmwm deletes the entire string
6 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide
The logical line end symbol (I) allows you to key in more than one
command on the same line, and thus minimizes the amount of time you have
to wait between entering commands. You type the i at the end of each
logical command line, and follow it with the next logical command line. VM/370 stacks the commands and executes them in sequence. For example,
the entry:
query bliplquery rdymsglquery search
is executed in the same way as the entries:
query blip
query rdymsg
query search
The logical line end symbol also has special significance for the tcp function. Beginning any physical line with #CP indicates that you are
entering a command that is to be processed by CP immediately. If you
have set a character other than t as your logical line end symbol, you
should use that character instead of a I. 1£s1fsl The logical line delete symbol (¢) (or ( for Teletype
1 Model 33/35
terminals) deletes the entire previous physical line, or the last
logical line back to (and including) the previous logical line end (I). You can use it to cancel a line containing many or serious errors. If a t immediately precedes the ¢ sign, only the I sign is deleted, since the I indicates the beginning of a new line, and the ¢ cancels the current
line. For example: Logical Line Delete:
ABCtDEF¢ deletes the tDEF and results in ABC ABC#¢ results in ABC ABCtDEF¢IGHI results in ABCtGHI
ABCtDEF¢GHI results in ABCGHI Physical Line Delete: ABet deletes the whole line
Note that when you cancel a line by using the ¢ logical line delete
symbol, you do not need to press a carriage return; you can continue
entering data on the same line.
The logical escape symbol (") causes VM/370 to consider the next
character entered to be a data character, even if it is normally one of
the logical line editing symbols (m, ¢, ", or t). For example:
ABC"¢D results in ABC¢D ""ABC"" results in "ABC" lTrademark of the Teletype Corporation, Skokie, Illinois. Section 1. What it Means to Have a CMS Virtual Machine 7
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