March 30, 1919
The response might look like: EXTENT INFORMATION FOR 'VTOC' ON 'G' DISK: SEQ TYPE CYL-HD(RELTRK) TO CYL-HD(RELTRK) 000 VTOC 099 00 1881 099 18 1899 TRACKS 19 EXTENT INFORMATION FOR 'PRIVAT.CORE.IMAGE.LIB' ON 'G' DISK: SEQ TYPE CYL-HD(RELTRK) TO CYL-HD(RELTRK) TRACKS 000 DATA 000 01 1 049 18 949 949 EXTENT INFORMATION FOR 'SYSTEM.WORK.FILE.NO.6' ON 'G' DISK: SEQ TYPE CYL-HD(RELTRK) TO CYL-HD(RELTRK) TRACKS 000 DATA 050 00 950 051 18 981 38 You could also determine the extent for a particular data set:
listds ? * (extent DMSLDS220R ENTER DATA SET NAME: system recorder file EXTENT INFORMATION FOR 'SYSTEM RECORDER FILE' ON 'F' DISK: SEQ TYPE CYL-HD(RELTRK) TO CYL-HD(RELTRK) TRACKS 000 DATA 102 00 1938 102 18 1956 19 002 DATA 010 06 206 010 08 208 3 LISTDS searches all .inidisks accessed until it locates the specified
data set. In this example, the data set occupies two separate extents on
disk F. If the data set 1S a multivolume data set, extents on all
accessed volumes are located and displayed.
If you want to find the free extents on a particular disk, enter:
listds g (free FREESPACE EXTENTS CYL-HD(RELTRK) TO 052 00 988 054 02 1028 081 01 1540 FOR 'G' DISK: CYL-HD(RELTRK) 052 01 989 080 00 1520 098 18 1880 TRACKS 2
341 You can use this information when you allocate space for VSAM files. If
you enter:
listds * (free CMS lists all the free space available on all of your accessed disks. OSING TEMPORARY DISKS When you need extra space on a temporary basis for use with CMS VSAM and AMSERV, you can use the CP DEFINE command to define a temporary minidisk
and then use the IBCDASDI program to format it. Once formatted and
accessed, it is available to your virtual machine for the duration of
your terminal session or until you detach it using the CP DETACH
command. Remember that anything placed on a temForary disk is lost, so
that you should copy output that you want to keep ante permanent disks
before you log off.
188 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide
March 30, 1979
The example below shows a control statement file and an EXEC procedure
that, together, can be used to format a minidisk with the IBCDASDI program. For a complete description of the control statements used,
refer to the The input control statements for the IBCDASDI programs should be
placed in a CMS file, so that they can be punched to your virtual card
reader. For this example, suppose the statements are in a CMS file named TEMP IBCDASDI: DASD198 JOB MSG DADEF VLD VTOCD END TODEV=1052,TOADDR=009 TODEV=3330,TOADDR=198,VOLID=SCRATCH,CYLNO=10 NEWVOLID=123456 STRTADR=185,EXTENT=5 Now consider the CMS file named TEMPDISK EXEC: &ERROR &EXIT 100 CP DEFINE T3330 198 10 CP CLOSE C
CP PURGE READER ALL ACC 190 Z/Z IPL * CP SPOOL PUNCH CONT TO * PUNCH IPL IBCDASDI Z (NOH) PUNCH TEMP IBCDASDI * (NOH) CP SPOOL PUNCH NOCONT CP CLOSE PUNCH CP IPL OOC You execute this procedure by entering the filename of the EXEC: tempdisk When the final line of this EXEC is executed, the IBCDASDI program is in
control. You must then signal an attention interruption using the
Attention or Enter key, and you receive the message: IBC105A DEFINE INPUT DEVICE You should enter: input=2540,00c to indicate that the control statements should be read from your card
reader, which is a virtual 2540 device at virtual address OOC. When the IBCDASDI program is finished, your virtual machine is in the CP environment and must reload CMS (with the IPL command) to begin
virtual machine execution. You can then access the temporary disk:
acc 198 c
and CMS responds:
C(198) R/W - OS Section 10. Using Access Method Services and VSAM 189
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