For example, if your installation's batch virtual machine has a
userid of BATCH1, you punch the card:
and place it in front of your deck. When you are going to submit a job using your virtual card punch, you
must first be sure that your punch is spooled to the virtual reader of
the batch virtual machine:
cp spool punch to batchl Virtual card input can be spooled to the batch machine in several ways. You may create a CMS file that contains the input control cards and use
the CMS PUNCH command to punch the virtual cards:
punch batch jcl (noheader When you punch a file this way, you must use the NOHEIDER option of the PUNCH command, since the CMS batch facility cannot interpret the header
card that is usually produced by the PUNCH command. As it does with
cards in an invalid format, the batch virtual machine would flush the
header card. You can use an EXEC procedure to input to the batch machine.
From an EXEC, you can punch one line at a time into your virtual punch,
using the &PUNCH and &BEGPUNCH EXEC control statements. When you do
this, you must remember to use the CP CLOSE command to release the spool
punch file when you are finished: CP CLOSE PUNCH If you are using the EXEC to punch individual lines and entire CMS files
to be read by the batch virtual machine as one continuous job stream,
you must remember to spool your punch accordingly: CP SPOOL PUNCH CONT &PUNCH /JOB BOSWELL 999888 PUNCH BITCH JCL * (NOHEADER CP SPOOL PUNCH NOCONT CP CLOSE PUNCH A /JOB card must precede each job to be executed under the batch
facility. It identifies your userid to the batch virtual machine and
provides accounting information for the system. It takes the form: /JOB userid accntnum [jobname] [comments]
228 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide
userid is your user identification, or the userid under which you
want the job submitted. This parameter controls: (1) The
userid charged by the CP accounting routines for the system
resources used during a job. (2) The name and distribution
code that appear on any spooled printer or punch output. (3)
The userid to whom status messages are sent while the batch
machine is executing the job.
Note that items 1 and 2 are correct only if the directory for
the use rid involved contains the accounting option.
accntnum is your account number. This account number appears in the
accounting data generated at the end of your job. It
overrides the account number in the CP directory entry for the
userid specified for this job.
jobname is an optional parameter that specifies the name of the job
being run. If you specify a jobname, it appears as the CP
spool file identification in the filetype field. The filename field always contains CMSBATCH. See "Batch Facility Output" below.
comments may be any additional information you want to provide.
The 1* card indicates the end of a job to the batch facility. It
takes the form: 1* The batch facility treats all 1* cards after the first as null cards.
Therefore, if you want to ensure against the previous job not having a 1* end-of-job indicator, you should precede your /JOB card with a /*
The 1* card is also treated as an end-of-file indicator when a file
is being read from the input stream. This is a special technique used in
submitting source or data files through the card reader and is discussed
under "A Batch EXEC for Non-CMS Users." The ISET card sets limits on a system's time, printing, and punching
resources during the execution of a job. It takes the form:
r I ISET [TIME seconds] [PRINT lines] [PUNCH cards]
is a decimal value that specifies the maximum number of
seconds of virtual CPU time a job can use.
is a decimal value that specifies the maximum number of lines
a job can print. Section 12. Using the eMS Batch Facility 229
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