lIarcla 30, 1979
12.2 181 '11/370 CIS User's Guide
Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-1X8 CMS then erases all the files on that disk, if any existed, and formats
the disk for your use. When you enter the label, CMS responds by
telling you: FORMATTING DISK 'c' '10' CYLINDERS FORMATTED ON 'C(291) '. R; T=0.15/1.60 11:26:03
The FORMAT command should only be used to format CMS disks, that is,
disks you are going to use to contain CMS files. If you want to format
count-key-data disks for OS, DOS, or VSAM applications, the disks should be formatted using the IBCDASDI program.
The FORMAT command allows a choice of physical disk block size as an
option. See the for details. To
format FB-512 disks for OS, DOS, or VSAM applications, the disks can be
formatted using the INTDK stand-alone utility program. See for details. Sharing Virtual Disks: Linking Since only one user can own a virtual disk, and there are many occasions
that require users to share data or VM/370 allows you to share
virtual disks, on either a permanent or temporary basis, by "linking." Permanent links can be established for you in your VM/370 directory
entry. These disks are then a part of your virtual machine
configuration every time you log OD. You can also have another user's disk temForarily added to your
configuration by using the CP LINK command. For example, if you have a
program that uses data that resides on a disk identified in userid
DATA's configuration as a 194, and you know that the password assigned
to this disk is GO, you could issue the command:
cp link to data 194 as 198 r pass= gol DATA's 194 disk is then added to your virtual machine configuration at
virtual address 198.
The "R" in the command line indicates the access mcde; in this case
it tells CP that you wish only to read files from this disk. VM/370 will not allow you to write on it. If you try to issue this command
when someone is logged on to the userid DATA, you will not be able to
establish the link. If you want to link to DATA in any event, you can
reissue the LINK command using the access mode RR:
cp link data 194 198 rr gol
The keywords TO, AS, and PASS= are optional; you do not have to specify
them. You can also use the CP LINK command to link to your own disks. For
example, if you log on and discover that another user has access to one
of your disks, you may be given read-only access, even if it is a
read/write disk. You can request the other user to detach your disk INote that the password cannot be entered on the command line if the
password suppression facility was specified at sysgen. Section 1. What it Means to Have a CMS Virtual Machine 13
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