16 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide
Section 2. VM/370 Environments and Mode
Switching When you are using VM/370, your virtual machine can be in one of two
possible "environments": the CP, or control program environment, or the
virtual machine environment, which may be CMS. The CMS environment has
several subenvironments, sometimes called "modes." Each environment or
subenvironment accepts particular commands or subcommands, and each
environment has its own entry and exit paths, responses and error
messages. If you have a good understanding of how the VM/370 environments are related, you can learn to change environments quickly and use your virtual machine efficiently.
This section introduces the CP and CMS environments that you use and
describes: Entry and exit paths Command subsets that are valid as input
Figure 1, at the end of this section, summarizes the VM/370 command
environments and lists the commands and terminal paths that allow you to
go from one environment to another.
with the exception of input mode in the edit environment, you can
always determine which environment your virtual machine is in by
pressing the Return or Enter key on a null line. The responses you
receive and the environments they indicate, are: !!.§§EQ!!§.§ CP CMS CMS (DOS ON)
The CP Environment When you log on to VM/370, your virtual machine is in the CP environment. In this environment, you can enter any CP command that is
valid for your privilege class. This publication assumes that you are a
general, or class G, user. You can find information about the commands
that you can use in the fR f2!l!!l!gng !QE Only CP commands are valid terminal input in the CP environment. You can, however, preface a CP command line with the characters "CP" or "tcP", followed by one or more blanks, although it is not necessary.
These functions are described under "The CMS Environment." You can enter CP commands from other VM/370 environments. There may
be times during your terminal session when you want to enter the CP environment to issue one or more CP commands. You can do this from any
other environment by doing either of two things:
1. Issue the command: #cp section 2. VM/370 Environments and Mode switching 17
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