Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-902Q-1 for 5748-118 CONDITIONAL DISPLAY OF TEXT (.CS FORMAT WORD) You can indicate to HELP that certain sections of the file are to be
displayed as output only if the appropriate HELP command options are
specified. These options are PARM, FORM, DESC, and ALL. (See CMS Command and Macro Reference for information on the use of these options:)-- --- ----- ---------
In order for HELP command processing to display the appropriate
information, you must use the .CS format word in the following manner: .cs 1 on
(text for DESC option)
.cs 1 off
.cs 2 on
(text for FORM option)
.cs 2 off
.cs 3 on
(text for PARM option)
.cs 3 off USE OF FORMAT MODE (.FO FORMAT WORD) Format-mode processing means that the HELP facility displays the output
lines without breaks, unless specifically requested, and
right-justified. You may not want this type of formatting in all cases;
you may want certain output to appear exactly as it appears in the HELP file. For this, use the .FO format word to turn off format-mode processing as follows:
.fo off When you want to resume format-mode processing, enter:
.fo on
Format-mode processing is the default.
INDENTING TEIT (.IN AND .IL FORMAT WORDS) When you are creating documents, you may want to set off paragraphs or
portions of text by indenting them. This often improves the readability by emphasizing certain text. You can cause paragraphs to be indented
using the .IN format word. For example, the lines:
This line is not indented. 5
This line is indented.
result in:
This line is not indented.
This line is indented.
The .IN format word causes a break so that text accumulated before
the .IN format word is processed and displayed, then the next text is
processed. 32Q.8 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide
Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-118 The .IN format word effectively sets a new left margin for output
text so that when you want text indented you do not have to enter blanks
in front of the input lines (as you would for normal typing). HELP continues to concatenate and justify input text lines that begin to
colu.n 1, but displays the output indented the number of spaces you
Here's another example: These few lines of text
are formatted
with enough words
.in 5
so that you can
see how HELP's formatting
.in +3 continues and may '. in -6
even be reversed, by using a
negative value.
These lines may result in:
These few lines of
text are formatted
with enough words
so that you can '-- __ • "'"-"1"'1"\-- au. formatting
continues and
even be reversed,
by using a negative
In this example, the first .IN format word shifts output to the right five spaces so that text begins in column 6. The second .IN format vord requests that the current indentation increase by three spaces so the
left aargin is now in column 9. When you supply a negative value with
the .IN format word, the margin is shifted to the left.
To cancel an indentation that is in effect, you can use a negative
value, or you can use the format word: • in 0 Because 0 is the default value, you need not specify it when you want to
restore the left margin to coluan 1. You can specify simply:
.in When you want to indent only a single line of text (that is, the next
output line), use the .IL format word. For exallFle: This line begins in column 1 • • in 5
This line begins in column 6,
which is now the left margin • • il -3
This line is shifted 3 spaces
to the left of the current margin. Section 18. HELP File Naming Conventions and Creation 324.9
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