March 30, 1979 3QO.2 IBft 'M/370 eMS User's Guide
READ: This status indicates your terminal is waiting for a line
to be-Issued to your virtual machine; you may be in the CMS environment,
in the edit or debug environments, or you may be executing a program or
an EXEC that has issued a read to the console. !QNN1!Q: This status means that your virtual machine is operating. Once you have loaded CMS and are using the CMS environment, this status is
almost continually in effect, even when you are not currently executing
a command or program. you can alter the way this works by using the AUTOREAD function of
the SET command. When the AUTOREAD setting is OFF, (the default for
display terminals), your terminal displays a RUNNING status after the
execution of each CMS command. If you want the terminal to be in a VM READ status following each command, issue:
set autoread on
The ON setting is the default for typewriter terminals, since a read on
a typewriter terminal must be accompanied by the unlocking of the
The advantage of keeping your virtual machine in a running status
even when it is not actually executing a program is that it makes your
terminal ready to receive messages. If your terminal is waiting for a
read, either from CP or from the virtual machine, and if a user or a program sends a message to your virtual console, then the message is not
displayed until you use the Enter key to enter a command or null line. When your machine is in a running status, the terminal console is always
ready to accept messages.
If your virtual machine is in the CP environment, and you want your
terminal to be in a running status, you can use the command:
cp sleep
To return to the CP READ status, you must press the PAl key or the Enter
key. This status indicates
that there is more data to be
indicating that there is more
screen's current display so
that your display screen is full, but
displayed. This message, in addition to
data, gives you a chance to freeze your
you can continue to examine it, if When you see the screen is in a MORE ••• status, you can either (1)
press the Clear, Cancel, or PA2 keys to clear the screen and see the
next screen, or (2) press the Enter key to hold the screen in its
present status. If you do not do either, then after 60 seconds, the
screen is cleared and the next screen is displayed. This indicates that you have
the screen. You must use the Cancel,
screen and go on to the next display.
pressed the Enter key to freeze
Clear, or PA2 keys to erase this
A holding status also results if you have received a message that
appeared on this screen. When the screen become.s full, it does not
automatically pass to the next display after 60 seconds, but waits until
you specifically clear the screen. (This feature ensures that any
important messages you receive are not lost.) !Q! Indicates that you are trying to enter a command line but
the terminal buffer is full and cannot accept it. This message is also
issued when you attempt to use the 3270 COpy function and a printer is
either not available or not ready.
Appendix C: Considerations for 3270 Display Terminal Users 341
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