March 30, 1979
Two EDIT subcommands, CHANGE and 1, result in lines being copied in
the user input area. In the case of the CHANGE subcommand, the line that
is displayed is the current line. Once in the user input area, you can
modify it and re-enter it. While you are changing it, the original line
appears unchanged in the output display area. If you decide that you do
not want changes entered, you must press the Erase Input key and then
press the Enter key before you enter any other EDIT subcommands. You can use the ? subcommand to request that the last EDIT subcommand
you entered be displayed in the user input area. If, for example, you
enter a CHANGE or LOCATE subcommand that results in a NOT FOUND condition, or some other error, you can enter: 1 and modify the subcommand line and re-enter it, if you want; otherwise,
use the Erase Input key to delete it. CONTROLLING THE DISPLAY SCREEN Usually the editor controls the entire screen display during an edit
session. Occasionally, the screen goes into a MORE... status, and you
must use the Cancel key or PA2 key to clear the screen. There are two
other situations in which the screen must be cleared, either by the
editor, or ty you. When you use the CMS subcommand to enter CMS subset
to enter CMS commands, the screen is cleared and the message CMS SUBSET is displayed at the top of the screen. When you issue the subcommand RETURN to return to edit mode, the screen dis Flay is restored to its
original appearance.
The situation is slightly different, however, whenever you
communicate with the control program (CP), or receive messages from other users during an edit session. Any CP message or command response
causes your screen to go into a MORE ••• status; you must use the PA2 (Cancel) key to see the response. To restore your screen to its edit
display, you should use the EDIT subcommand TYPE. If you use the PA1 key to place your virtual machine in the CP environment, and the screen
status area indicates CP READ, use the CP command BEGIN to restore edit mode. Then enter the TYPE subcommand. If you enter a subcommand other
than TYPE, the entire screen is not restored, and the top two lines (the
editor's data and response fields) may contain lines of the CP response.
If your virtual machine was in input mode when you entered the CP command, you may continue entering lines of input; the third through the
ninth lines of the screen are restored after you enter the next line.
If you enter a CP command that does not produce a response, then
there is no change to the screen.
The VERIFY subcommand allows you to alter the verification columns when
you are editing a file or to cancel verification altogether. If, for
example, you are editing a file with records longer than 80 characters,
each line is displayed on two lines of the display screen. Sometimes,
you may be editing only specific columns in a file, and do not need to
see the lines displayed in their entirety. To see only the first 80 columns, you could enter:
346 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide
Page of GC20-1819-2 As Updated April 27, 1981 by TNL SN25-0828 For 5748-XE1 verify 1 80 Or, if you wanted to see the last 80 columns of a file with 120-character records, you could enter:
verify 41 120 If you cancel verification entirely by entering:
verify off
then modifications that you make to the file (including movement of the
current line pointer) are not reflected on the display screen until you
use the TYPE subcommand.
THE CURRENT LINE POINTER There is one aspect of the CMS Editor on a 327Q that is much the same as
on a typewriter terminal: you must still be concerned with the
positioning of the current line pointer, and you can only add or modify
data on the current line, even though you see many lines being
displayed. The current line, on the screen, appears near the middle of
the output area of the screen (see Figure 29).
To move the current line pointer, you can use the subcommands UP and DOWN: UP indicates movement toward the top of the file and DOWN indicates movement toward the bottom of the file. When you issue either
of these subcommands, the entire display of the file shifts down the
screen (if you use the UP subcommand) or up the screen (if you use the DOWN subcommand).
If you have never used the eMS editor on a typewriter terminal, you
may find the UP and DOWN subcommands confusing to use, so you can use
instead the BACKWARD (UP) and FORWARD or NEXT (DOWN) subcommands to
shift the display backward (toward the top of the file) and forward
(toward the bottom of the file).
Note that whenever your last column in your edit file is aligned with
the right-most display position, this position will appear blank in the
current line as well as in the line preceding the current line. You can, however, see the date in this column by shifting the current line
pointer to an adjacent line. You can also use the EDIT subcommand SCROLL, which allows you to
display successive screen displays, and to examine an entire file
quickly. For instance, on a 3270 Model 2 display terminal, you enter
the SCROLL subcommand with no operands, it is the equivalent of entering
the subcommand DOWN (FORWARD) 20, which results in the screen changing
to display the 20 lines following the lines currently being displayed.
If you enter:
scroll 10 The SCROLL subcommand executes 10 times, placing the screen in a MORE ••• state at the end of each display.
If the file you are editing has verification column settings greater
than 80 characters (so each line takes up two display lines), then the SCROLL subcommand moves the screen 10 lines at once instead of 20. The UP (or BACKWARD) counterpart of SCROLL is SCROLLUP, which can be
abbreviated SUe Appendix C: Considerations for 3270 Display Terminal Users 347
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