Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 30 assgn sysipt a
dlbl infile a cms punch output (sysipt
assgn syspch punch
31 fetch dostest (start DMSLI0740I EXECUTION BEGINS ••• 32 PUN FILE 5829 TO BILBO COpy 01 NOHOLD R;
read punch2 output
listfile punch2 output a (label
DATE TIeE LIBEL 9/29/15 14:50:59 BBB191 30 If you want to execute this program again, you can assign SYSIPT and SYSPCB to
different devices; in this example, the input disk file PUNCH OUTPUT is written to
the virtual punch. You do not need to reissue the GLOBAL DOSLIB co •• and; it remains in effect until you reissue it or IPL CMS again.
31 This time, the program execution starts immediately, because the STIRT option is
specified on the FETCH command line.
32 Again, the PUN FILE message indicates that a file has been received in your virtual
card reader. You can use the CMS command READCARD to read it onto disk and assign it
a filename and filetype, in this example, PUNCH2 OUTPUT. 374 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide
Sample Terminal Session Using Access Method Services
This sample terminal session
should have an understanding
terminal session.
shows you how to use access method services under CftS. You of VSAM and access method services before you use this
The terminal session uses a number of CftS files, which you may create during the
course of the terminal session; or, you may prefer to create all of the files that you
need beforehand. Within the sample terminal session, the file that you should create is
displayed prior to the commands that use it.
This terminal session is for both CftS OS VS!ft programmers and CftS/DOS VS!ft programmers; all the ASSGB commands and SYSxxx operands that apply when the CftS/DOS environment is active are shaded. If you have issued the command SET DOS ON, you must
enter the shaded entries; if not, you must omit the shaded entries. !2t es: 1
1. This terminal session assumes that you have, to begin with, a read/write CftS A-disk.
This is the only disk required. Additional disks used in this exercise are temporary
disks, formatted with the IBCDASDI disk initialization program under CftS. If you
have OS or DOS disks available, you should use them, and remember to supply the
proper volume and virtual device address information, where appropriate. The number
of cylinders available to users for temporary disk space varies among installations;
if you cannot acquire ample disk space, see your system support personnel for
2. Output listings created by A!SERV take up disk space, so if your A-disk does not
have a lot of space on it, you may want to erase the LISTING files created after
each A!SERV step.
3. If any of the AftSERV commands that you execute during this sample terminal session
issue a nonzero return code; for example:
R (00012) ; Iou should edit the LISTING file to examine the access method services error
messages. The publication QQ§LVS contains the return codes and reason codes
issued by access method services. You should determine the cause of the error, examine the DLEL commands and IMSERV files you correct any errors, and retry
the command cp define t3330 200 10 DASD 200 DEFINED 010 CYL .cp define t3330 300 10 DASD 300 DEFINED 010 CYL .cp define t3330 400 10 DASD 400 DEFINED 010 CYL 1 These commands define temporary 3330 aindisks at virtual addresses 200, 300, and 400. Sample Terminal Session Using Access ftethod Services 375
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