Paqe of GC20-1819-2 As Updated April 1, 1981 by-TNL GN25-0826
programs 211
summary of commands 37
usinq CP commands 219
decimal, and hexadecimal conversion in EXEC procedure 270 de-editinq DOS/VS macros 163 DOS/VSE macros 163 DOS/VSE macros (5748-1]1) 163
command 25
DLBL definition 160 FILEDEF definition 133
for filetypes for CMS editor,
establishing in EXEC procedure 303 logical line editing symbols 6
setting up in EXEC procedure 273
access method services function 206 command
defining temporary disk 12
defininq virtual storage 223
to increase virtual storage size 89
subcommand, defining symbols for
debugging session 214
logical line editing symbols 8
program input and output files in CMS 145
space for VSAM files 186,202
in CMS/DOS 194
temporary disks 12
translate tables 30 virtual printer for trace information
virtual storage 223 VSAM files
for AMSERV 197
for AMSERV, in CMS/DOS 190 VSAM master catalog 199 CMS/DOS 191
of MACLIB command 138
of MACLIB command, in CMS/DOS 168
access method services function 207 subcommand, how to use 72
lines in file being edited 72
to a particular line 72
members of MACLIB
example 138
example in CMS/DOS 168 VSAM clusters and catalogs 207 delimiters, on EDIT subcommand lines 64
density of tapes, when to specify 123 DESBUF function
example 295
using to clear console stack 293
DETACH, command, after RELEASE command 15
disks 15
without them 57
device types
assignments in CMS/DOS 156
assi gnmen ts in CMS/DOS 156. 1 390 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide
assignments in CMS/DOS 156.1
specifying with FILEDEF command 132
devices, disks, cylinders and tracks 199 DIAGNOSE instruction, executing CP commands
DIAL command 26
DIRECT, filetype, usage in CMS 47 DISCONN, command 26
disconnecting, your terminal from your
virtual machine 26
discontiquous, saved systems 223 DISK command LOAD operand, restriction in job for CMS batch facility 232
using 117
disk determination
default for reading files
commands for which you must specify
filemode 54
commands that search all accessed
disks 52
commands that search only A-disk 53
commands that search only A-disk and
its extensions 53
default for writing files
commands for which you must specify
filemode 54
commands that write files onto your
A-disk 54
commands that write output files to
read/write disk 54
filemode selection by editor 63
defined in VM/370 directory entry 11
defining temporary disks for terminal
session 12
definition 11 DOS, accessing 154
full, during editing session 90 linking 13
listing information about 40 master file directory 56 OS determining extents for VSAM 198
using in CMS 129 OS and DOS compatibility 186
formatting with IBCDASDI program 189
used with VSAM data sets 185
providing for CMS batch virtual machine
querying status of 56
read-only, exporting VSAM files from 208 search order 14,51
sharing 13 VSAM, accessing 185
writing files on, how editor selects
disk 63 DISP MOD option, of FILEDEF command 134.1 DISPLAY command, displaying storage and
registers while debugging 219
display screen, status conditions 340
Page of GC20-1819-2 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0826
display terminals
changing editor verification setting
controlling screen, during edit session
display mode 348 entering backspace characters 349
entering commands 339
example of display screen 343
how editor formats screen 345
line mode 348
signaling interruptions 343
text feature 352
using CftS editor 344 using tab characters 349
displaying CMS files 34
in EXEC procedure 287
column numbers in file being edited,
using $COL edit macro 324
command information (5748-XX8) 324.1
command information (5748-XE1) 324.1
data lines at terminal
in EXEC procedure 286 WRTERM macro 250 directories of DOS/VS litraries 163
directories of DOS/VSE litraries (5748-!X!D 163
directories of DOS/VSE libraries 163
DLBL definitions 160 FILEDEF definitions 145 general registers, in debug environment
lines at terminal, in EXEC procedure 106 listings from access method services
particular columns of file, during edit
session 69
?rompting messages in EXEC procedure
284 PSW (program status word), during
program execution 216
screensful of data 347
short form of editor error message 86
s?ecial characters on display terminal 350 timing information in EXEC procedure 108 trace information on terminal 218
virtual storage during program execution
dis?osition, of spool files 113
assigning filemode numbers 56
default file definition 160 defininq OS data sets 129
entering before program execution
177 EXTENT option, examples 204 how to use in CMS/DOS 159
identifyinq VSAM data sets 197
identifying VSAM data sets in CMS/DOS 190 relationship to ASSGN command 159
specifying extents 203 specifying extents in CMS/DOS 195
DL/I programs in CMSjDOS 152 OMS, prefixing error messages in EXEC procedure 307 documenting, EXEC procedure 305 DOS, disks, compatibility with OS disks
186 DOS (Disk Operating System)
identifying in DLBL command 159
restrictions on reading in CMS 155
using in CMS 154
macros supported in eNS 170 program development, summary of commands
simulation in CMS 151 DOSLIB command, compressing DOSLIBs 175
files 174
executing phases from 176
size considerations 175
filetype, usage in CMS/DOS 49 DOSLKED command, link-editing programs in CMS/DOS 172 DOSLNK files, using in eMS/DOS 173
usage in CMS/DOS 49 , used by DOSLKED command 172 DOS MACRO MACLIB 140,169 DOSPART operand, of ces SET command, example 178 DOS/VS system residence volume, using eMS/DOS 151 DOS/VSE system residence volume
using in CMS/DOS (5748-XX8) 151
using in CMS/DOS (5748-XE1) 151
drawing boxes (2748-XX8) 324,.6
drawing boxes (.2748-XE1) 324.6 DSERV command, examples 163
DSN operand of DLBL command 159 DSORG option, of FILEDEF command, when to
specify 133
DSTRING subcommand
example 72
using in edit macros 316
dummy data set, specifying with FILEDEF
command 132 DUMP command, example 221
subcommand, example 221
dumping, virtual storage 221
filenames or filetypes 44
lines in CMS 73
dynamic loading of TXTLIB members 148 E
E EXEC 302 EDIT comm and
creating CMS files 31
entering edit environment 19
executing in EXEC procedure 291
invoking CMS editor 61
edit environment 19
Index 391
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