March 30, 1979
28.2 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide
so that none of the symbols are recognized by VM/370 when it interprets
your input lines. When you are in the CMS environment, there are a number of commands
that you can use to control how CMS validates a command line. The SET command functions IMPCP (implied CP) and IMPEX (implied EXEC) control
the recognition of CP commands and CMS EXEC procedures. For example, if
you issue:
set impcp off t set impex off
then, when you enter CP commands in CMS or try
procedures, you must preface the name of the command CP (or #CP), or EXEC, respectively.
to execute EXEC or procedure with
By using the SYNONYM and the SET ABBREV commands, you can control
what command names, synonyms, or truncations are valid in CMS. For
example, you could set up a file named MYSYN SYNONYM which contains the
The first column specifies an existing CMS command, module, or EXEC name; the second column specifies the alternate name, or synonym, you
want to use; and the third column is a count field that indicates the
minimum number of characters of the synonym that can be used to truncate
the name. Using this file, after you enter the command:
synonym mysyn
you can use PRT, LETGOOF, GET, and LNKEDT in place of the corresponding CMS command names. Also, if the ABBREV function is in effect, (it is
the default; you can make sure it is in effect by issuing the command SET ABBREV ON), you can truncate any of your synonyms to the minimum
number of characters specified in the count field of the record (that
is, you could enter "pH for PRINT, "letgo" for RELEASE, and so on). You can set up EXEC files with the same names as CMS commands, that
mayor may not perform the same function as the CMS names they
duplicate. For example, if every time you used the GLOBAL command you
used the same operands, you could have an EXEC file, named GLOBAL, that
contained a single record:
global maclib cmslib osmacro
Then, every time you entered the command name:
the command GLOBAL MACLIB CMSLIB OS MACRO would execute. As another example, suppose you had an EXEC file named 'T', that
contained the following records: &CONTROL OFF CP QUERY TIME Then, whenever you entered:
Section 3. What You Can Do With VM/370-CMS Commands 29
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