April 1, 1981
If there are files named MYFILE ASSEMBLE on your A-disk and C-disk, then only copv on your A-disk is displayed. The commands that perform
this type of search are: DISK DUMP EDIT
specify a filemode letter, even if it is specified as an asterisk. WHEN TO FILEMODE LETTERS: WRITING FILES When you issue a CMS command that writes a file onto one of your virtual lnd you specify the output filemode, CMS writes the file onto
that di3K. commands that require you to specify the output filemode
are: COPYFILE RENAME SORT The commands that allow you to specifv,the output filemode, but do
not require it, are:
FILEDEF TAPE LOAD TApoDS UPDATE When VOl do not specify the filemode on these commands, :MS writes the
outout files onto your A-disk. Same commands that create files always write them onto your A-disK. The and INCLUDE commands write a file named LOAD MAP AS.
The LIsrFILE command creates a file named CMS EXEC, on your A-disk. The CMS/DOS commands DSERV, ESERV, SSEFV, PSERV, and RSERV also write files
onto your A-disk. Other that do not allow you to specify the filemode, write
output riles either: To the disk from which the input file was read, or Ta A-disk, if the file was read from a read-only disk
These commands are: MA:LIB TXTLIB The command also functions this way if you specify the output
filemode as an asterisK (*).
In lddition, many of the lanquage processors, when creating worK files and permanent files, write onto the first read/write disk in your
search ard9r, if they cannot write on the source file's disk or its
parent. 54 IBM VM/370 eMs User's Guide
Paae of GC20-1819-2 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNt GN25-0826 Haw FILEMODE PryMBERS ARE USED Whenever you specify a filemode letter to reference a file, you can also
specify a filemode number. Since a filemode number for most of your files is 1, you do not need to specify it. The filemode numbers 0, 2,
3, and 5 are discussed below. Filemode numbers 6 through 9 are reservej for use.
Filemode Q: A filemode number of 0 assigned to a file makes that file other user may access it unless they have read/write access
to :1isk. If someone links to your disk. in read-only mode and reauests a of all the on your disk, the files with a filemode
of 0 are not listed. A user with read/share password, however,
can link to a minidisk and, using the DDR proqram, can copy the disk and
its nrivate files (filemode 0). section The C"S File System 54.1
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