April 1. 1981 60 eMS User's Guide
April 1, 1981 Section 5. The eMS Editor
In Cf1S 'lsaqe, the term edit is used in a variety of ways, all of which refeL, altimately, to the functions of the eMS editor, which is invoked
when vou issue the EDIT command.
To elit a file means to changes, additions, or deletions to a CMS th3t is on a disk, and to make these changes interactively: you instruct the editor to make a change, the editor does it, and then you
request another chanqe. You can edit a file that does not exist; when you do so, you create
the file online, and can modify it as you enter it. file a file means to write a file you are editinq back onto a
disk, incorporatinq any changes you made during the editing session. When YOl issue the FILE subcommand to write a file, you are no longer in
the environment of the eMS editor, but are returned to the CKS environment. You can, however, write a file to disk and then continue editina it, by usinq the subcommand. An session is the period of time during which a file is in your virtual storaqe atea, from the moment you issue the EDIT command
and the e3itor responds EDIT: until you issue the FILE or QUIT to return to the eMS command environment.
The EDIT Command When you issue the EDIT command you must specify the filename and
filetype of the file you want to edit. If you issue:
edit test file CMS searches your A-disk and its extensions for a file with the
identification TEST FILE. If the file is not found, CKS assumes that you
want to create the file and issues the message: NEIif FILE:
to inform you that the file does not already exist.
If the file exists on a disk other than your A-disk and its
extensions, or if you want to create a file to write on a read/write
disk other than your A-disk, you must specify the filemode of the file:
edit test file b
In this example, your B-disk and its extensions are searched for the
file TEST FILE. 'fter you issue the EDIT command, you are in edit mode, or the enviLonlent of the editor. If you have specified the filenaae and
filetype of a file that already exists, you can nov use EDIT subcommands
to make changes or corrections to lines in that file. If you vant to
section 5. The :KS 61
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