April 1, 1981
The term "CMS files" refers exclusively
to files that are in the 800-byte block
format used by CMS file system commands. VSAM and OS data sets and DOS files are
not compatible with the CMS file format,
and cannot be manipulated using CMS file
system commands.
The terms "disk" and "virtual disk" are used interchangeably to indicate
disks that are in your CMS virtual
machine configuration. Where necessary,
a distinction is made between
CMS-formatted disks and disks in OS or DOS format. "3270" refers to a series of display
devices, namely the IBM 3275, 3276
Controller Display Station, and 32700 and 3278 Display Station, and 3277 and
3278 Display Stations. A specific
device type is used only when a
distinction is required between device types. Information about display terminal
usaqe also applies to the IBM 3138,
3148, and 3158 Display Consoles when
used in display mode, unless otherwise
Any information pertaining to the IBM 3284 or 3286 Printer also pertains to
the IBM 3287, 3288, and 3289 printers,
unless otherwise noted. "3330" refers to the IBM 3330 Disk
Storage Models 1, 2, and 11, the IBM 3333 Disk Storage and Control Models 1
and 11, and the IBM 3350 Direct Access
Storage in 3330 compatibility mode. "2305" refers to the IBM 2305 Fixed Head
Storage, Models 1 and 2. "3340 If refers to the IB M 3340 Direct
Access Storage Facility and the IBM 3344
Direct Access Storage. "3350" refers to the
Access storage device
nat ive mode. IBM 3350 Direct
when used in Any information pertaining to the IBM 2741 terminal also applies to the IBM 3767 terminal, unless otherwise noted. 370x refers to the 3704/3705 Communications Controllers.
For a qlossary of VM/370 terms, see the IB11 l1achine FaciliiYL.J70: ang GC20-1813. PREREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS iv IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide
If this is the first time you have used a
computer terminal, you should consult the VM/370 User's GC20-1810, for information on using your terminal.
If your terminal is
Communications Terminal, then Operator's Gllid,g, GA18-2000, pre req uisi te.
a is
3767 a
The IBM virtual Machine IntroductiOn-,---GC20-180a-,-- contains an
overview of the VM/370 system and its
components, and lists the programs and
products that are supported in CMS. COREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS The IB!1, ViI:j;J!al 1!achine· raci!i1..YilIQ: Command GC20-1818, is
a companion to this user's guide. It
contains complete format descriptions of
the CMS commands; EDIT subcommands; EXEC control statements, built-in functions, and
special variables; DEBUG subcommands; and CMS assembler language macros that are
discussed or used in examples in this book.
The System GC20-1808, contains the
responses, error messages, and return codes
issued by the CMS commands, and EDIt and subcommands referenced in this
publication, as well as a complete list of
the error messages issued by the EXEC processor.
To use CMS, you should be familiar with
the control program (CP) component of VM/370. The CP commands available to
general users are described in IBM Virtual Machine Facj.liUL.J70: £f iQ£ General GC20-1820. If you are
using CMS to develop programs to run under
other operating systems, see IBM Machine Facilii.YL170: SYS!!U!!§ in virtual GC20-1821.
Pg. of GC20-l819-2 Rev ftarch 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-118 RELATED VM/370 PUBLICATIONS Additional descriptions of various CftS functions and cOllllands that are normally
used by system support personnel are
described in 2y!gg, GC20-l807 2uide, GC20-1806 IPCS eftS commands are described in the IBft !U370: !nterac!!E ContrQ! GC20-1823, and
not in this publication. Information describing the CftS cOllmand CPEREP, a command used to generate output
reports from Vft/370's error recording
records, is contained in the:
Details on the
operands, required
are contained in:
use of
to make use OS/VS EREP of CPEREP, For information on OS/VS tape label
processing, discussed with "Label
Processing in OS Simulation" in this
publication, refer to:
There are three publications available
as ready reference material when you use Vft/370 and CftS. They are: ill Villlli ls£!!itIL11Q: Co.mands Q§er), GX2Q-1961. GI20-1995. If you use the Remote Spooling
Communications subsystem, see the IBft !s£!!!!IL37Q: Remote 2EQQliBg SubsI§te! (RSC2) GC20-1816. Assembler language program.ers may find
information about the Vft/370 asseabler in Q2L!2, QQ§L!2, and Vft/37Q GC33-4010, and sBg !AL11Q Gu!de, GC33-4021. RELATED PUBLICATIONS FOR VSAft AND ACCESS ftETHOD SERVICES USERS CftS support of access method services is
based on DOS/VSE and VSE/VSAft. The control
statements that you can use are described
in Q§!ng !2!L!SA] sng SC24-5144. Error messages produced by the
access method services program, and return
codes and reason codes, are listed in GC33-5379.
For a detailed description of VSE/VSAft macros and macro parameters, refer to the GC24-5139. For
information on OS/VS VSAft macros, refer to Q.§L!.§ !££g§§ Bet hQ.Q (is !J!) Qy!de, GC26-3818.
RELATED PUBLICATIONS FOR CftS/DOS USERS The CftS ESERV command invokes the DOS/VSE ESERV program, and uses, as input, the
control statements that you would use in DOS/VSE. These control statements are
described in 12 the GC33-4024. Linkage editor control statements, used
when invoking the DOS/VSE linkage editor
under CftS/DOS, are described in Statements, GC33-5376.
For information on DOS/VSE and CftS/DOS tape label processing, refer to the
following publications: Labels, GC33-5374 LIQCS, !oluae SY33-8560 Preface v
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