March 30, 1979
vi IBM VM/370: eMS User's Guide
Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by SUppa SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 Contents
The entries in this Table of Contents are accumulative and reflect the addition of the VM/370 Basic System Extensions Program Product, Program Number 5748-XX8. summary of Amendments. xiii PART 1. UNDERSTANDING CMS ••• .1 SECTION 1. WHAT IT MEANS TO HAVE A CMS VIRTUAL MACHINE .3
How you Communicate with VM/370. .3
Getting Commands Into the System •• 5
Loading CMS in the Virtual Machine: The IPL Command •••••••••••••• 6
Logical Line Editing Symbols ••••••• 6
How VM/370 Responds to Your Commands •• 8
Getting Acquainted With CMS ••••••• 10 Virtual Disks and How They Are Defined 11
Permanent Virtual Disks. 11
Defining Temporary Virtual Disks ••• 12
Formatting Virtual Disks 12
Sharing Virtual Disks: Linking ••••• 13
Identifying Your Disk To Accessing. 14
Releasing Virtual Disks •••••••• 14
Releasing virtual Disks (2148=!!.§) 14.1 SECTION 2. VM/370 ENVIRONMENTS AND MODE SWITCHING 17
The CP Environment 17
The CMS Environment. 18
EDIT, INPUT, and CMS Subset. 19 DEBUG. 20 CMS/DOS. 21
Interrupting Program Execution 21 Virtual Machine Interruptions. 22
Control program Interruptions. 23
Address Stops and Breakpoints. 23 SECTION 3. WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH VMj370-CMS COMMANDS Command Defaults •••••• Commands to Control Terminal Communications •••••••• 25 25 25
Establishing and Terminating
Communications with VM/370. 25
Controlling Terminal Output. 26 Commands to Control How VM/370 Processes Input Lines Commands to Control How VM/370 28
Processes Input Lines (5748-XX8) •• 28.1 Controlling Keyboard-dependent-­ Communications. 30 Commands to Create, Modify, and Move 31 31
Data Files and Programs Commands that Create Files •••• Commands that Modify Disk Files.
Commands to Move Files Commands to Print and Punch Files •• 33 33 34 Co •• ands to Develop and Test OS and CMS Programs. 35
Commands to Develop and Test DOS Programs. 36
Commands Used in Debugging Programs. _ _ 37 Commands to Request 38 Commands to Request Information About
Terminal Characteristics. _ _ 38 Commands to Request Information About
Data Files •••••••••• _ ••• 39 Commands to Request Information About Your Virtual Disks. _ 40 Commands to Request Information About Your Virtual Machine. 40 SECTION 4. THE CMS FILE SYSTEM 43 CMS File Formats _ 43
How CMS Files Get Their 43
How eMS Files Get Their Names (.21!!.§=11!D. '. .• 44
Duplicating Filenames and Filetypes. 44 What Are Reserved FiletYFes? _ 45
Filetypes for CMS Commands 46 Output Files: TEXT and LISTING 48
Filetypes for Temporary Files. _ 50 Filetypes for Documentation. 50 Filemode Letters and Numbers 51 When to specify Filemode Letters:
Reading Files 52 When to Specify Filemode Letters: Writing Files 54
Bow Filemode Numbers are Used. 54
Managing Your CMS Disks. _ 56 CMS File Directories 56 CMS Command Search Order 57 SECTION 5. THE eMS EDITOR. 61
The EDIT Command ••• 61 Writing a File Onto Disk 62
EDIT Subcommands 63
The Current Line Pointer 65
Verification and Search Columns. 68
Changing, Deleting, and Adding Lines •• 69
Describing Data File Characteristics •• 73
Record Length. •• 73
Record Format. 75 Using Special Characters 76
Setting Truncation Limits. 78
Entering a Continuation Character in Column 72 79
Serializing Records. 80 Line-Number Editing. 81
Renumbering Lines. 82
Controlling the Editor 84
Communicating with CMS and CP. 84 Changing File Identifiers. 85 Controlling the Editor's Displays ••• 86
preserving and Restoring Editor
Settings. ••• _ 86
preserving and Restoring Editor
Settings (.21!!8-1X8) ••••• ; ••• 86.1 X, Y, =, ? Subcommands •••• 87
Contents vii
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