Page of GC20-1819-2 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0826 file
definitions, making with FILEDEF command
directories, CMS 56
format, specifying on FILEDE! command
assigned bV FILEDEF command 132
changing with SAVE subcommand 85 CMS, rules for assigning 43 CMS, rules for assigning 44 CMS, rules for assigning (5748-XE1) 44
coded as asterisk (*) 44
coded as asterisk (*) (5748-XX8) 44. 1
coded as asterisk (*) (5748-XE1) 44.1
coded as equal sign (=) 45
default assigned by DLBL command 160 specifying for FSCB 244
used in FSCB 244
size, relationship to record length 75
system 43
macro instructions 244
FILE subcommand, wr iting file onto disk 63
assigning filemode numters 56
default definition 132
guidelines for entering 131
how to use 131
used to identify OS macro libraries 140 used with OS data sets 129
commands, issued by assembler,
overriding 172
in file identifier 43
letters 44
assigning 51
when to specify, reading files 52
when to specify, writing files 54
descriptions 54.1
when to specify 55
4 130 filename 4.3 for edit macros 311
for HELP text files (2748-XX8) 324.3
for HELP text files 324.3
files g!§Q DOS files, OS data sets) CMS erasing 33
format 43
identifiers 43
identifying on DLBL command 160 maximum number of records 43 renaming 33
too large to edit, what to do 89
manipulating with CMS macro instructions
that are erased after they are read 55
394 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide
created by assembler and language
processors 48 for HELP text files 324.3
for HELP text files 324.3
for workfiles 50 in file identifiers 43
reserved 45
establishing your own 303 used by CMS commands 46
used by language processors 46
FIND, subcommand, how to use 66
first-in first-out stacking, in EXEC procedure 290 fixed-length, EXEC files, difference
between &STACK and &BEGSTACK 292
fixed-length files, converting to
variable-length 75 FftODE subcommand examples 85
used to change filemode numbers 56 FOR, operand of SPOOL command, usage 114 FORMAT command, formatting CftS disk 12 format of disk files, specifying on FILEDEF
command 133
forma t words .BX (5748-IX8) 324.6 BX (5748-XE1) 324.6 CM (5748-XX8) 324.7 C M (.2 7 4 8- X E 1 ) 324. 7 .CS (5748-XX8) 324.8
.cs (5748-XE1) 324.8 .FO 324.8 FO (5748-XE1) 324,.8
.IL (5748-XX8) 324.8 I L (5748- X E 1 ) 324. 8 IN (5748-XX8) 324.8
.IN (2748-X!1) 324.8 .OF (5748-XX8) 324.10 .OF(5748-XE1) 324.10 .SP (5748-XX8) 324.11 S P ( 5 7 4 8- X E 1 ) 324. 11
.TR 324.13 TR (5748- XE1) 324.13
functions (5748-XI8) 324.4
functions (5748-XE1) 324.4 summary 324.5 summary (5748-XE1) 324.5
format-mode processing (5748-XX!) 324.8
format-mode processing 324.8
formatting . CftS disks, example 12
FB-512 disks (5748-XX8) 13
FB-512 disks (5748-XE1) 13
numbered lists (5748-XX8) 324.11
numbered lists (5748-XE1) 324.11 OS and DOS disks, example 189
forming, tokens of words in EXEC procedure
free space on OS and DOS disks, determining
for use with VSAM 188 FREELOWE 177
Page of GC20-1819-2 Is Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0826 FSCB, macro, usage 244 FSCB (file system control block)
creating 244
fields defined 244 modifying for read/write operations 245
usage 244
using with I/O macros 245 FSCBD macro, generating DSECT for FSCB 246 FSCLOSE macro, example 248 FSERASE macro, usage 248 FSREAD macro, examples 245 FSWRITE macro, examples 245
full disk 56
during editing session 90 G
GEN operand
of KACLIB command
usage 137
usage in CMS/DOS 165
qeneral registers
conventions used in CMS 239
displaying in debug environment 212
displaying with DISPLAY command 219
modifying during program execution 212 GENMOD command
creating user-written CMS command 149
regenerating existinq MODULEs 221
GETFILE subcommand how to use 73
used to create small files from large
one 89
global changes, using EDIT subcommanas 71
GLOBAL command
used to identify DOSLIBs 174
used to identify macro libraries 137
in CMS/DOS 164
used to identify OS macro libraries
used to identify TXTLIBs 145 GO subcommand, to resume program execution
H halting program execution 22
screen displays 344
terminal displays 22
in EXEC procedure 287 HELP command
usage 5
usage 5 HELP facility
file naming conventions (5748-XXS) 324.3
file naming conventions (5748-XE1) 324.3
format words 324.4
format words (5748-X]1) 324.4 HELPCMS filetype
usage in CMS (574S-XXS) 47
usage in CMS (574S-XE1) 47 HELPCP filetype
usage in CMS (5148-XX8) 47
usage in CMS (5748-XE1) 47 HELPDEBU filetype
usage in eMS (5148-XX8) 47
usage in CMS (5748-XE1) 47
HELPEDIT filetype
usage in CMS (5148-XX8) 47
usage in CMS (5748-XE1) 47 HELPMENU filetype
usage in CMS (5148-XX8) 47
usage in CMS (5748-XE1) 47 HELPMSG filetype
usage in eMS (5748-XX8) 47
usage in CMS (5148-XE1) 47
hexadecimal, conversion in EXEC procedure 270 highlighting of messages on display
terminal 340 highlighting of messages on display
terminal (5148-XE1) 340 highlighting the redisplay of user input 28
highlighting the redisplay of user input (574S-XE1) 28
HILIGHT operand of CP TERMINAL command (S748-XX8) 28
HILIGHT operand of CP TER!INAL command (574S-XE1) 28 HOLD, operand of SPOOL command 114
hold status, placing virtual output devices
in during debugging 211
display on display terminal 341
spool files to keep them froll being
processed 114
HOLDING status, on display screen 341
HT Immediate command 22 HX I
executing in EXEC procedure 287 DEBUG subcommand 213
Immediate command 22
effect in eMS subset 20 effect on DLBL definitions 160 effect on FILEDEF definitions 134.1 IBCDASDI disk initialization program
formatting temporary disks
example 189,375
ID card, to submit jobs to CMS batch
facility 228
macro libraries to search 137
in C!S/DOS 164
multivolume VSA! files 204 in CfI!S/DOS 196 VSA! master catalog 199 VSA! master catalog in C!SjDOS 191 IEBPTPCH utility program
creating CKS files from tapes created by 122
creating CKS ( 5748-XX8) creating C!S ( 5748-XE1) files from tapes created by
files from tapes created by
Index 395
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