Page of GC20-1819-2 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0826 IEBUPDTE utility program
creatinq CMS files from tapes created by
creating CMS files from tapes created by
( 57!! 8- 122. 1 5
creating CMS files from tapes created by
( 57!! 8- X]l) 12 2. 1 5 IEHMOVE utility program, creating CMS files
from tapes created bV 123 IJSYSCL, defining in CMS/DOS 159 IJSYSCT defining 199
defining in CMS/DOS 190 IJSYSRL, defining in CMS/DOS 159 IJSYSSL, defining in CMS/DOS 159 IJSYSUC defining 201 defining in CMS/DOS 193
image setting, effect on tab characters 76
IMAGE subcommand, using in edit macros 316
Immediate commands
entering, on display terminal 343
summary 327 IMPCP operand, of CMS SET command, setting
CP funct ion 18
controlling 29 EXEC function 97
controlling 29 IMPORT, access method services function 208 importing, VSAM data sets 208 INCLUDE command, entering after LOAD command
147 DOS/VS linkage editor control statement,
specifying in DOSLNK file 173 DOS/VSE linkage editor control statement
specifying in DOSLNK file (5748-XX8) 173
specifying in DOSLNK file 173
increasing, virtual machine storage 89
indenting text 324.8
indenting text (5748-XE1) 324.8 INPUT operand, of CMS SET command, defining
input translate table 30 subcommand
inserting single line into file 72
stacking in EXEC procedure 292
using in edit macros 315
input and output files, VSAM, defining 197
input data
left margin while using editor 77
right margin while using editor 79
translated to uppercase by editor 62
input mode 19,62
entered after REPLACE subcommand 72
on display terminal 344
on display terminal in line mode 348
returning to edit mode, in edit macros
input stack, clearing 293
lines in file being edited 72
using line-number editing 82
396 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide
calculating virtual storage address 212
tracing 217
INTDK utility program 13
INTDK utility program (5748-XE1) 13
highlighted on display terminal 340 highlighted on display terminal (5748-1£;1) 340 Interactive problem Control System IPCS (Interactive Problem Control system» interrupting
execution of edit macros 314
program execution 21
with breakpoint 213
interruptions CMS macros for handling 251
external 217
signaling on display terminal 343
access method services 182 CMS editor 61 EXEC procedure 96 VSAPL on display terminal 350 I/O device assignments in CMS/DOS 156
manipulating 157
device assignments in CMS/DOS 156.1
device assignments in CMS/DOS (5748=X£;1) 156.1
macros used in CMS programs 244 IPCS (Interactive Problem Control System)
IPL command
entering CMS environment 6,18
loading alternate saved segment 225 ISAM access method
J CMS restriction 131 CMS/DOS restriction 154
job catalog
using 201 using in CMS/DOS 193
job control language, equivalent in CMS 128 JOBCAT, CMS equivalent 128'
for job sent to CMS batch facility
specifying 228
used to identify spool files 233
jobs, for CMS batch facility, submitting
label off processing (5748-XX8) 122.3 label off processing (5748- XE1) 122.3
LABELDEF command
use in tape label processing 122. 12
use in tape label processing (5748-!11) 122.12
Page of GC20-1819-2 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0826
labels DOS VSAM disks, determining for AMSERV 191
in EXEC procedure 103 how &GOTO searches for 278
rules for forming 275
terminating loop 280 OS VSAM disks, determining for AMSERV 199
tape 121
using VSAM tapes 204 using VSAM tapes in CMS/DOS 197
writing on CMS disks 12
LAB OFF label off processing) (.27 LABOFF label off processing) (.2748-XE1) large files, splitting into smaller files
LDRTBLS operand, of CMS SET command, usage
leaving CMS subset environment 20 CMS/DOS environment 21
debug environment 20,213 edit environment 20,63 input mode 62
length, of lines displayed at your
terminal, controlling 28
libraries CMS DOSLIB, MACLIB, TXTLIB) Cl'l::> 136
distributed with CMS system 140,169
macro libraries macro
librar ies, CMS) TEXT libraries 145 DOS/VS identifying in CMS/DOS 159
using directories 163
using in CMS/DOS 160 DOS/VS core image, executing phases from
176 DOS/VS procedure, copying procedures
162 DOS/VS relocatable
copyinq modules from 162
link-editinq modules from 174 DOS/VS source statement, using in CMS 161 DOS/VSE identifying in CMS/DOS (.2748-XX8) 159
identifyinq in CMS/DOS (5748-XE1) 159
using directories (574 8-XX8) 163
using directories (5748-XE1) 163
using in CMS/DOS 160 uS1ng in CMS/DOS (5748-XE1) 160 DOS/VSE core image
executing phases from <21.!!8-XX8) 176
executing phases from (5748-XE1) 176 DOS/VSE procedure
copying procedures 162
copyinq procedures 162 DOS/VSE relocatable
copying modules from 162
copying modules from (5748-XE1) 162
link-editing modules from 174 link-editing modules from 174 DOS/VSE source statement
using in CI1S (5748-XX8) 161
using in CI1S (5748-XE1) 161 OS, using in CMS 140 LIFO last-in first-out stacking
in edit macros 313
in EXEC procedure 290 line
mode, of CMS editor 348
pointer line pointer)
LINEDIT macro, executing CP commands 242 LINEMODE subcommand, beginning line-number
editing 81
line-number editing 81
sample terminal session 362
lines, deleting at terminal before entering
LINK command
format in job for CI1S batch facility
linking to other user's disks 13
linkage conventions, for programs executing
in CMS 240 linkage editor DOS/VS invoking in CMS/DOS 172
specifying control statements 173 DOS/VSE invoking in CMS/DOS 172
invoking in CMS/DOS (5748-XE1) 172
specifying control statements 173
specifying control statements (.2 748- X 1!1) 1 73
maps, using when debugging 211 OS, control statements supported by TXTLIB command 145
link-edi ting
modules from DOS/VS relocatable
libraries 174
modules from DOS/VSE relocatable
libraries (5748-XX8) 174
modules from DOS/VSE relocatable
libraries (5748-XE1) 174
programs in CMS/DOS 172
specifying linkage editor control
statements 173 TEXT files and TXTLIB members 146 TEXT files in CMS/DOS 112
examples 173
to other users' disks 13
to your own disks 13
LISTCAT, access method services function,
output 183
LISTCRA, access method services function,
output 183
Index 397
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