Page of GC20-1819-2 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0826 extracting member of MACLIB 140,169 moving labelled tapes 122.12
moving labelled tapes 122.12
reading files from virtual card reader
used with OS data sets 129 moving CMS files, examples of commands 33
current line pointer 65
lines in file being edited 73 MULT option of DLBL command 198
in CMS/DOS 190 multiple
extents for VSAM files
specifying 203 specifying in CMS/DOS 195
output devices, restriction in CMS/DOS 159
updates 257
variable symbols in token, examples 269
multivolume VSAM extents
specifyinq 204 specifyinq in CMS/DOS 195 N NAME, OS linkage editor control statement,
supported by TXTLIB command 146
naming CMS files 43 CMS files (5748-XX8) 44 CMS files 44
user commands 58
naming conventions for HELP text files 324.3
naming conventions for HELP text files 324.3
nestinq &IP statements in EXEC procedure 277 EXEC procedure 282
return code passed 302 NL no label processing) NL no label processinq) nnnnn subcommand, examples 82
no label processing (5748-XX8) 122.2
no label processing (5748-XE1) 122.2 NODISP option of EDIT command, using in EXEC procedure 349
nonrelocatable modules, creating 149
nonshared copy
of CMS 224
of saved system, obtaining during
debugging 224
nonstandard label processing (5748-XX8) 122.3
nonstandard label processing (5748-XE1) 122.3 NOPROP option, of ACCESS command,
suppressing execution of PROFILE EXEC 98 NOT ACCEPTED status, on display screen 341 NSL nonstandard label processing)
(57 !8-XX8) NSL nonstandard label processing) (5748-XE1) nucleus-resident CMS commands 58 400 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide
after IPL 6
at top of file 66
entering to determine environment 17
how to enter 3
in EXEC procedure 267
stacking in EXEC procedure 210,292 testing for in EXEC procedure 285
to resume program execution after
attention interruption 22
to return to edit mode from input
mode 62
variables in EXEC procedure 102 object files
created by assembler and language
processors 48
loading into storage 144
offsetting text 324.10 offsetting text (57 4 8- XE 1) 324.10 opening, CMS files 248
options, for FILEDEF command 133 ORDER command, selecting files for
processing 116
origin, for debug environment, setting 214 ORIGIN, SUbcommand, how to use 214 OS access methods supported in CMS 130 data sets
copying into CMS files 134.1
copying into CMS files 134.1
restrictions on reading in CMS 131
using in CMS 129
compatibility with DOS disks 186
using in eMS 129
linkage editor control statements, read
by TXTLIB command 145
macros supported in eMS 142
partitioned data sets (§ee partitioned
data sets)
program development
sample terminal session 365
summary of commands 35
simulated data sets 130 simUlation in CMS 127
utility programs, creating CMS files
from tapes created by 122 OSMACRO MleLIB 140,169 OSMlCR01 MACLIB' 140,169 outpu t
files, produced by ASSEMBLE command 172
from eMS batch facility 233
from virtual console, spooling 342 OUTPUT, operand, of eMS SET command,
defining output translate table 30 output stack, clearing 293 OVERLAY subcommand how to use 70 overlay more than one line 71
using in edit macros 316
Page of GC20-1819-2 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0826
character strings 70 with edit macro 321
virtual storage, during program
execution 243
overriding, logical record length of file
being edited 74 P parameter lists
detecting absence of 241
passing with START command 144,241
setting up to execute CMS command 241
used by CMS routines 240 using FSCB 244
parent disk, of read-only extension 52
parentheses, scanned by EXEC interpreter
partition size, specifying for program
execution, in CMS/DOS 178
partitioned data sets
copying into CMS files 135
specifying member names with FILEDEF
command 134
to EXEC procedure 272
to nested EXEC procedure 283
control in EXEC procedure 277,279
password suppression on command line
entering on LOGON command line 25
for VSAM catalogs 202 in CMS/DOS 194
for your virtual machine 5
supplying on LINK command line 13 PAl key, to enter CP environment 344 PDS option, of MOVEFILE command, to copy bS partitioned data sets 135
periods, used to concatenate EXEC variable
symbols 103 PERM option, of FILEDEF command
i when to
specify 134 PF keys proqram function keys)
phases, CMS/DOS core image, writing into DOSLIBs 174
current line pointer 65,68
using $POINT edit macro 323
tapes, examples 120 preferred auxiliary files 260 preferred level updating 260 preparing, jobs for CMS batch facility 231 PRESERVE subcommand
saving EDIT subcommand settings 86
using in edit macros 315
preserving, editor settings 86
access method services function, output
command, printing CMS files 34
printer files
produced by job running in batch virtual
machine 231
querying status of 115
access method services listings 184 CMS files 34 mUltiple copies 114
trace information on virtual printer
218 PRINTL macro, usage 250 privilege classes, for CP commands 333 PROC filetype 162
usage in CMS/DOS 49
procedures DOS/VS, copying into CMS files 162 DOS/VSE copying into CMS files 162
copying into CMS files 162 PROFILE EXEC sample 97
for CMS/DOS VSAM user 191
for OS VSAM user 199
abend, message 211
check, using CP to debug 220 debugging 211
dumps, obtaining 221
entry point determination 148
interrupting 21
resuming with BEGIN command 221
tracing 216
input and output files, identifying 131
address stops 23
breakpoints 23
libraries 145
linkage, in CMS 239
listings, using when debugging 211
loops, debugging 216
program development DOS programs 151
sample terminal session 369
summary of commands 36 OS programs 127
sample terminal session 365
summary of commands 35
using CMS 125
program function keys
setting 339
COpy function 342
for EDIT subcommands 348
in EXEC procedure 340 logical tab stops 349
using 339
program status word (§ee PSW (program
sta t us word» programmer logical units, assigning in CMS/DOS 157
for line numbers while line-number
editing 82
messages in EXEC procedure 284 protecting, files from being accessed 54 PSERV command, examples 162
Index 401
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