Page of GC20-1819-2 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0826 LISTDS command
listing DOS files 154
listing extents occupied by VSAM files
listing free space extents 187
used with OS data sets 129
LISTING, assembler ddname, overriding
default definition 143
edit macros, with $MACROS edit macro 320 informa tion
about CMS files 39,99
about disks 40 about DOS files 154
about MACLIB members 139,168
about OS and DOS disks 187
about OS and DOS files 40 about your terminal 38
about your virtual machine 40 logical unit assignments in CMS/DOS 158
1 isting files
created by AMSERV command
changing filename 184
printinq 184
created by assembler, output filemode
created by assembler and language
processors 48
created by ESERV command 163
LISTING filetype
created by AMSERV command 183
usage in CMS 47
usage in CMS/DOS 49 LISTIO command, listing device assignments
literal values, using in EXEC 269
LKEDIT filetype, usage in CMS 47 LOAD, command, loading and executing TEXT files 144
load map
produced by LOAD and INCLUDE commands
using when debugging 211 LOAD MAP file, created by CMS loader 147
loader CMS description 146
entry point determination 148
control statements, summary 147
effect of LOAD and INCLUDE commands
usage 223
loader terminate (LDT) loader control
statement, usage 145
alternate saved segment on IPL command
225 CMS into youx virtual machine 6
specifying virtual device address
core image phases into stcrage for
execut ion 175
programs into storage, specifying
storage locations 243 TEXT files into storage 144
398 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide TXTLIB members
dynamically 148
into storage 145
LOADLIB filetype, usage in CMS 47 LOADMOD command, to debug MODULE file 221 LOCATE subcommand
how to use 67
using in edit macros 316
lines in file being edited 67
using line-number editing 82
location, starting, for loading link-edited
phases 176
locking, terminal keyboard to wait for
communication 30 logging off VM/370 26
logging on to VM/370 5,25
character delete symbol 6
escape symbol 8
line delete symbol 7
line editing symbols 6
defining 8
overriding 28
overriding (5748-XX8) 28.1
overriding (5748-XE1) 28.1
used with editor 62
line end symbol I logical
line end symbol)
line end symbol 7
operators, used for comparisons in EXEC procedure 105 record length of CMS file, overriding
editor defaults 74
assigning in CMS/DOS 156
assigning in CMS/DOS (5748-XX8) 156.1
assigning in CMS/DOS (57!8-X]1) 156.1 LOGOFF command 26 LOGON command 25
contacting VM/370 5 LONG, subcommand, when to use 86
during program execution, debugging 216
in EXEC procedure 105 based on number of arguments passed
using &LOOP control statement 279
using counters 280 lowercase letters
suppressing translation to uppercase 76
translated to uppercase by editor 62
LRECL option
of COPYFILE command, truncating records
in file 74
of EDIT command, when to use 74
of FILEDEF command, when to specify 133 M MACLIB command
usage 137
usage in CMS/DOS 164
Page of GC20-1819-2 As Updated April 1, 1981 byTNL GN25-0826
files addihg KACRO files created by ESERV program 163
moving to other files 140,169 querying 131 querying, in CMS/DOS 164
filetype, usage in CftS 47 !ICRO files
adding to !ACLIB 138
adding to !ACLIB in C!S/DCS 167
created by ESERV command 163
usage in C!S 47 usage in CMS/DOS 49 macro libraries CPIS 136
adding to 138
creating 137
deleting members of 138
displaying information about members
in 139
distributed with CMS system 140,169 replacing members of 138
using in CMS/DOS 164 DOS/VS assembler language, restriction
on using in CMS/DOS 164 DOS/VSE assembler language
restriction on using in CftS/DOS (5748=.!X8) 164
restriction on using in CMS/DOS (5748-XE1) 164 OS, identifying for use in CMS 140 macros DOS/VS asSembler language
creating CMS !ACLIB 372
supported in CMS 170 DOS/VSE assembler language
creating CMS MACLIB (2748-XX8) 372
creating CftS ftACLIB 372
supported in CftS 170 supported in CMS (5748-XEj) 170 OS, supported in CftS 142 MAINHIGH 177 lIIJAP filetype
created by DOSLKED command 175
created by DSERV command 163
created by MICLIB command 139,168
usage in CMS 47
usage in CMS/DOS 49
written to A-disk 54 operand
of MACLIB command 139,168
option of DOS/VS ACTION control
statement, effect in CMS/DOS 175
option of DOS/VSE ACTION control
effect in CMS/DOS 175
effect in C!S/DOS 175
created by DOS/VS linkage editor 175
created by DOS/VSE linkage editor 175
created by DOS/VSE linkage editor (5748-X]1) 175
of CMS virtual storage 224
setting left margin for input with
editor 77
setting-right margin for input with
editor 79
master catalogs VSA! defining 199
defining in C!S/DOS 191
sharing 185
master file directory 56 maximum, number of records in C!S file 43 !EftBER option CMS commands that have ftEftBER option
of FILEDEF command 134.1
to copy member of OS partitioned data
set 135 !E!O filetype 50 !ESSAGE command, using before logg ing on
controlling whether you receive them 26
from CftS batch facility 230 from CP during edit session, effect on
display screen 346
from editor ,on display terminal 344 to other virtual machine users 25
minidisks disks)
definition 11
transporting to OS system after using with VSAft 187 using with VSAft data sets 187 EXPORT/IftPORT restriction 208 mode
edit and input 62
setting for your terminal 22,30 switching 17
summary 24
modifying Cft S EXECs 100 CftS files, examples of commands 33 FSCB 245
groups of eftS files 53
registers during program execution 212 ftODULE files
creating 149
debugging 221
executing from programs 242
generating, to execute in transient
area 243
modifying 221
filetype, usage in CftS 48 modules DOS/VS relocatable, copying into CftS files 162 DOS/VSE relocatable
copying into CMS files 162
copying- into CftS files (5748-XE1) 162 ftORE ••• status, on display screen 341 ftOVEFILE command copying OS data sets 134.1
copying tape files 122
copying tape files (5748-XX8) 122.12
copying tape files (5748-XE1) 122.12
Index 399
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