CP Module Entry Point Directory __ -----------r-----------------------------------------------------, I Module Entry I I Name Points Attributes, Function I DMKSCNLI DMKSCNP DMKSCNRA DMKSCNRD DMKSCNRN DMKSCNRU DMKSCNVD DMKSCNVN DMKSCNVS DMKSCNVU DMKSEP DMKSEPSP DMKSEV DMKSEV70 DMKSIX DMKSNC DMKSNCP Searches the logged-on virtual machines for any
links to a specified minidisk. A link is any
virtual device whose ADEVBLOK pointer and relocation factor match those specified.
Finds the RCHBLOK and RCUELOK that represents the
next logical path to the device. Computes a full real device address (in cuu fora) from the RDEVADD. RCUADD, and TCHADD entries in
the real device. control unit. and channel
blocks. Computes a real device address (in CW form), from
the RDEVADD, RCUADD. and RCBADD entries in the
real device, control unit, and channel blocks.
Returns the name of the real device to the caller
in register 1.
Returns the addresses of the real channel,
control unit, and device blocks for a given real
device to to the caller.
Computes a full virtual device address (in cuu form), plus the addresses of the virtual channel
and control unit blocks from a specific virtual
device block.
Returns the name of the virtual device to the
caller in Rl. Searches all the real device blocks for a device
whose volume serial number matches the one
pointed to by Rl. Returns the addresses of the virtual channel,
control unit, and device blocks for a given real
device to the caller.
Pageable. Prints and punches the respective
separators on real spooling devices.
Pageable but locked.
Analyzes 2870 channel logout and sets appropriate
bits in the ECSW field according to the results
of analysis. It moves the channel logout to the
check record.
Pageable but locked.
Analyzes 2860 channel logout and sets appropriate
bits in the ECSW field according to the results
of analysis. It moves the channel logout to the
check record.
Pageable. Save a page-form version of a 3704/3705 network
control program. The name of the network control
program and the DASD location at which it is to
be saved is defined in the CP module DMKSYS. 1-248 IBM VM/370 System Logic and Problem Determination--Voluae 1
Entry I CP Module Entry Point Directory
Points I Attributes, Function I Pageable. DMKSNTBL This module is assembled by the installation
system programmer. It describes the system to be
saved via the SAVESYS command and to be initial
program loaded by name. Shared segments may be
specified. These segments consist of all
reenterable code and no altering of this storage
is allowed. There is no executable code in this
module. Pageable. spool file manager. DMKSPLCR Closes and queues a real reader spool file for
virtual input. DMKSPLCV Closes and queues a virtual printer or punch
spool file for processing. DMKSPLDL Deletes used files from the system and
de-allocates the DASD page space. DMKSPLOR Initializes control blocks and buffers for real
input reader files. DMKSPLOV Initializes control blocks and buffers for
virtual printer and punch output spool files.
This module is found in the starter system only.
It builds RCHBLOKs, RCUBLOKs, and RDEVBLOKs necessary to configure a minimum CP system. From the starter system, a real CP system figured
based on the REALIO deck of the installation. DMKSSPOl Entered as a result of an IPL operation. DMKSSSL1 DMKSSSL2 DMKSSSL3 DMKSSSHV DMKSSSI1 DMKSSSI2 DMKSSSUS DMKSSSVA DMKSSSLN DMKSSSCF DMKSSSDE Constructs the I/O blocks and system modules for
a minimum system configuration.
Resident. Services routines for all other modules that
require access to the MSS. Processes a DEDICATE statement with the 3330V parameter.
Processes a DEDICATE statement with raddr and
volid specified, and the raddr is a 3330V. Processes a DEDICATE statement with a vclid but
no raddr.
Processes DIAGNOSE code 1'78'.
Reschedules an I/O operation that had previously
caused a cylinder fault.
Queues an I/O request that has just caused a
cylinder fault. sets the missing attention
handler timer interruption value.
Quiesces all MSS mount and demount activity.
Attaches a 3330V to the system or to a virtual
Allocates a 3330V device and mounts the required 3330V system volume.
Resets a virtual device defined on a 3330V, including purging any I/O waiting for an MSS volume mount.
Demounts an MSS volume from a 3330V. ____ . ____ 4- __ • ______ __ • ___________________________________ . _________________ --J CP Directories 1-249
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