CP Abend Codes
The CP abends, their causes and required actions are listed in the !ML31Q 1-406 IBM VM/370 Syste. Logic and Problem Deteraination--Volu.e 1
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-"'+:--5 ru \ill I \J lUI L.l11"'\_1 V '- .. Figure 26 indicates the DIAGNOSE codes used in V8/370 and gives a brief
explanation of their uses.
Functioni i DMKHVC DMKHVD Code IClassl Function Label Label 000 G Store extended identification HVDSTIDX code. 004 C,E Examine data froll real storage. READCPC 008 G Execute V8/370 CP cOllmand. HVCONFN OOC G Pseudo-timer facility. HVCHRON 010 G Release virtual storage pages. HVCPGRL 014 G Manipulate input spool files. HCDSPRD 018 G Standard DASD I/O. HVCDISK 01C F Clear error recording area. HVDLRER 020 G General virtual I/O HVCFIKE interruptions. 024 G virtual device type inquiry. HVDDTYP 028 G Dynamic TIC modification. HVCDCPft 02C C,E,FI Get DASD address of error HVDEREP1 I recording and number of cylin- I ders allocated for error record- I ing. I 030 C,E,FI Read a page of error recording I HVDEREP2 I data. I Figure 26. Functio-n Codes for DIAGNOSE Instruction (Part i of 2) CP Diagnostic lids 1-407
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