Ql!KVIQ'!! Entry from DMKDSP to process the reflected virtual interruption. Dl!KSCNVU the VCHBLOK, VCUBLOK, and VDEVBLOK. DMKVIOIN -- Analyze blocks and reflect condition code to user. If condition code equals 1 (cc=1), save status from the real device (if real device)
and DMKUNTFR. D!!KUNTFR and store CSi in user's page O. On T IO or BIO, free the device and set CC=1.
DMKFRET ---Pret storage for the IOBLOK. DMKDSPCH dispatcher. VIRTUAL CONSOLE SIMULATION DMKVSIEX for virtual console activity comes from the SCP stored in the
user's virtual machine. The program's generated CCws and data are
reflected to the attached terminal used by the virtual machine operator. DMKVCNEX ---rocate and .ove non-TIC CCis from the users virtual storage to a VCONCTL block. Update CAi and CSi in respective control block. DMKVCN, VCNRD ---Per read-operation, build a read console buffer VCONBUF for the input
to be read from the terminal. Queue a console read request. DMKVCNEX ---Set-return address in VCONCTL VCNRDRET field. DMKVSPVP Spool console activity if SPOOL CONSOLE START specified. DMKDSPCH - Exit-to dispatcher. iait for completion. DMKVCN, VCNiR Calculate and obtain free storage (VCONBUF) necessary for the write
to console operation. Translate and bring in user's data page and move it into VCONBUF. 12MKQ£!iiT Queue a console write request. DMKDSPCH dispatcher. ON a sense operation, set CE and DE PCI flag in the PSi if the PCI flag
flag if warranted. Move the sense
storage as designated by the CCW. reflect status and count.
in the virtual PSi. Reflect the was set in the CCW •. Set the IL
data from the VDEVBLOK to user Update VDEVBLOK's VDEVCSW to
1-192 IBM VM/370 System Logic and Problem Determination--Volu.e 1
YC!££l On completion of I/O operation, set appropriate status for command
reject, not ready protection check, incorrect length, channel program check. Set appropriate CC and CSW in users page o. Otherwise post
pending interruption status in YMBLOK, YCHBLOK, VCUBLOK, and VDEVBLOK. If command chaining, process the next ccw. DMKDSPCH -- Exit-to dispatcher. LOCAL GRAPHIC I/O AND INTERRUPTION PROCESSING Entry for local graphic device enable and disable function (from DMKCPVEN unstacked CPEXBLOK) Invoking CP ENABLEjDISABLE commands, start or terminate local 3270 display (and supported print
devices) and certain system console activity. DMKFREE ---Performs enabling function. Gets storage for IOBLOK and TRQBLOK
generation. Form and write out the logo at the screen. DM!2ll, ATT!!!!!! Unsolicited attention for RDEVBLOK (enabled). DMKBLDVM ---Suila LOGON VMBLOK for logon process. Enter console function mode for terminal input. DMKIOS2! Schedule request to clear screen preparatory to logon. DMKDSPCH dispatcher to wait for interruption. Successful logon per
the next interruption begins the operation of building the user's
virtual machine. DMKSCNRU -- From- the IOBLOK, locate the real device blocks related to the
interruption. Analyze IOBLOK CSW and condition code and the I/O operation to determine read/write sequential action. For unit error, retry 10 times (if applicable). If recovery fails, log off. For
ATTN interruptions, attempt to log on the new user if unsolicited
ATTN occurs. Otherwise, set up for READ CCW string. DMKFREE ---aet-storage for function and build CONTASK, IOBLOK, TRQBLOK. Issue the SID. DMKDSPCH ---Wait-for the response. DMKGRFIN ---rociI 3270 display and certain system console interruption entry from dispatcher. On response of CE and DE, go to auxiliary processing
routine address in TRQBLOK extension TRQBCRT and execute the
processing routines: !.Q.Y:t:!.ru! CONRETBF RD8INT GRFCF! SETREJ SETMOR SETWNG RDEXIT STRTREAD NOCTL Function completIon of a write CONTASK Completion of a buffer read
Execute console function Set no accepted tiaer Set more ••• timer delay Set 10 second clear warning
Clear bufferS after PF keys Set read status Process next CONTASK or go idle CP Method of operation and Program Organization 1-193
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