-n-'&':on "'odes -'-- nl A f:NnSI: 1 n
-"'+:--5 ru \ill I \J lUI L.l11"'\_1 V '- .. Figure 26 indicates the DIAGNOSE codes used in V8/370 and gives a brief
explanation of their uses.
Functioni i DMKHVC DMKHVD Code IClassl Function Label Label 000 G Store extended identification HVDSTIDX code. 004 C,E Examine data froll real storage. READCPC 008 G Execute V8/370 CP cOllmand. HVCONFN OOC G Pseudo-timer facility. HVCHRON 010 G Release virtual storage pages. HVCPGRL 014 G Manipulate input spool files. HCDSPRD 018 G Standard DASD I/O. HVCDISK 01C F Clear error recording area. HVDLRER 020 G General virtual I/O HVCFIKE interruptions. 024 G virtual device type inquiry. HVDDTYP 028 G Dynamic TIC modification. HVCDCPft 02C C,E,FI Get DASD address of error HVDEREP1 I recording and number of cylin- I ders allocated for error record- I ing. I 030 C,E,FI Read a page of error recording I HVDEREP2 I data. I Figure 26. Functio-n Codes for DIAGNOSE Instruction (Part i of 2) CP Diagnostic lids 1-407
I Functionl I DMKHVC DMKHVD Code IClassl Function Module Module 034 C,F Reads the system dump spool HVDRSDF file. 038 C,E Reads the system symbol table. HVDRDSYM 03C A,B,C Dynamically updates the VM/370 HVDDIRCT directory. 040 Reserved for IBM use. HVCEXIT 044 Reserved for IBM use. HVCEXIT 048 Reserved for IBM use. BVCEXIT 04C any Generate accounting cards. BVDACCT 050 A,B,C Saves 3704/3705 control program BVD3705 image. 054 Enable or disable external BVDEXPA interruptions. 058 G Virtual console interface for BVCGRAF 3270. 05C Edit message according to EMSG BVCEMSG settings. 060 Provide virtual machine storage BVCSTOR size. BVCSTOR 064 Load, find, or purge a named BVCSYS system. 068 G Virtual Machine Communication BVCVMCF Facility. 074 A,B,C Loads a 3800 named system HVD3800 into virtual storage 078 any MSS communication HVCSSS 084 B Updates in-place a VM/370 di- DMKUDU rectory control statement in
its online control block for •• 100 Start of functions specified by HVCUSER a user.
igure 26. Function Codes for DIAGNOSE Instruction (Part 2 of 2) 1-408 IBM VM/370 System Logic and Problem Determination--Volume 1
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