A abend abnormal termination (abend» abnormal termination (abend), CP, codes 1-406 accounting card, generating 1-63
accounting records, processing 1-144
address, translation, virtual-to-real 1-24
affinity, in attached processor mode 1-34
cylinder 1-112
management 1-105 of D!SD space of storage 1-203 page frame, free storage 1-122
slot 1-111
alternate path I/O 1-92
alternate track
control flow 1-168 hardware operations 1-167 module function 1-168
recovery CP I/O 1-169
Diagnose I/O 1-169 ERP 1-166 3340 support 1-166
assigning, dedicated channels to virtual machine 1-7
assignments, RMS Control Register 1-152
attached processor 1-172
external interrupts 1-178
initialization 1-172 PSA set-up 1-172 I/O subsystem 1-179
locking 1-173
global system lock 1-173
user-defined locks VMBLOK lock 1-173 machine check handler 1-174
shared segment 1-180 varvina offline 1-73
real devices 1-125
virtual devices 1-6
virtual machine to the system 1-123, 1-211
attributes, spool file 1-145
binary synchronous line
data formats 1-103 enabling/disabling, remote 3270 1-201 error recovery, 3270 1-202 I/O programs for 1-99
calling DMKFREE for a large block 1-121
for a subpool 1-121 DMKFRET for a large block 1-122
for a subpool 1-121
CCH (channel check handler) 1-149 overview 1-157
channel control 1-158
channel error analysis 1-159
changes, user status 1-132 Index chan,nel, dedicated, support 1-96
channel check handler (see CCH (channel
check handler» - channel check interrupt, processing of
channel errors, DASD 1-164
channel program, modification 1-60 channel-to-channel adapter, virtual 1-86
checkpoint, spool file, recovery of closed
class, privilege 1-9
clearing, recording area 1-163
clock interrupt reflection 1-184
closed, checkpointed spool files, recovery
of 1-225
virtual machine input files 1-217
virtual output files 1-216
cold start 1-14
commands commands)
communication, inter-virtual machine 1-225
component states, I/O 1-89
functions CP (Control prograaj, console functions)
scheduling 1-198 simulation, virtual 1-192 COHTASK data, processing of 1-197 COHTASK interrupt, control, processing of
control block, I/O, real 1-83
control block relationships, VBCF 1-43
Control Program CP (Control Program» control program assist 1-37,1-409,1-416 described 1-416
exceptions to 1-420 instruction format 1-416
instruction/function cross-reference
list 1-419
using to turn off functions 1-419
Index 1-427
instructions 1-411
finding with D!KCPI and load map 1-411
load list for entry point locations
locating in assembly listings 1-417 sUllmary of· 1-416
control register
usage 1-19
used by !CB 1-152
control register 6
bit definition 1-409 control for ECPS 1-409 conventions, pageable CP modules 1-80 CP (Control Prograa)
abend codes 1-406 annotated flow diagrall, use of 1-183
attached processor 1-112 command module entry points 1-403 coa.ands CP coa.ands) cOncurrent execution of virtual aachines
console functions 1-121
processing 1-213 BIO operations 1-196
initialization 1-14,1-123
procedures 1-208 interrupts
handling 1-46
processing 1-183 I/O aanagement on virtual aachine 1-6 I/O operations, scheduling of 1-195 I/O scheduling for CP and the virtual
aachine 1-190 label-to-.odule cross-reference 1-300 aodule entry point directory 1-229
aodule-to-Iabel cross-reference 1-251
page zero handling 1-5
privileged instruction siaulation 1-3
proble. state execution 1-3
prograa organization 1-183
real control blocks, I/O 1-15
request stack 1-136 SIO operations 1-195
spooling 1-7,1-136,1-216 SVC interrupt handling 1-11
ter.ination 1-123
procedures 1-208 virtual
interrupt processing 1-189 I/O operations 1-189
virtual control blocks, I/O 1-16
virtual aachine interrupt handling 1-3
wait state, codes 1-403 CP assist control prograll assist)
CP coaaands 1-9
CP processing 1-213
spool files 1-144
aanageaent 1-147
real 1-146
virtual 1-146
CP diagnostic aids 1-401 cross-reference
label-to-aodule, CP 1-300 aodule-to-Iabel, CP 1-251
CTCA operations between virtual .achines
DASD (Direct Access Storage Device)
error recovery 1-163
errors, during spooling 1-148 I/O initiated via DIAGNOSE 1-190 space
allocation of 1-139,1-205 de-allocation of 1-205 exhausted for spool files 1-149
storage management 1-111
cylinder allocation 1-112
slot allocation 1-111
DASD I/O function 1-56
data area modules 1-80 data format for binary synchronous lines 1-103 for reaote 3210 1-103 read header .essage 1-104 read text aessage 1-104 write text, data aessage 1-103 write text aessage for the copy co •• and 1-103 de-allocation of DASD space 1-205 dedicated channel
assigning to virtual aachine 1-1
support 1-96
defining, a virtual device 1-125 deaand paging 1-5
detaching, virtual devices 1-6,1-126
attaching 1-125
spooling comaands 1-146
defining 1-125
detaching 1-126
spooling co.aands 1-146
DIAGNOSE instruction 1-49
channel program aodification 1-60 clear error recording cylinders 1-51 DASD I/O function 1-56
define function of PA2 function key
deteraine virtual aachine storage size
device type function 1-58
directory update-in-place 1-12
display data on 3210 console 1-65
error aessage editing 1-66 examine real storage 1-51 FINDSYS function 1-69
function codes for 1-407 1-428 IB! V!/370 Systea Logic and Problem Deteraination Guide
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