general I/O function 1-58
generate accounting cards 1-63
input spool file manipulation 1-53
load 3800 named system 1-70 LOADSYS function 1-67 MSS support 1-71
page release function 1-53
pseudo timer 1-53 PURGESYS function 1-68
read LOGREC data 1-62
read system dump spool file 1-62
read system symbol table 1-63
save 3704/3705 control program 1-65
start of LOGREC area 1-62 starting a general I/O operation 1-191 store extended-identification code 1-50 update VM/370 directory 1-63
used to start standard DASD I/O 1-190 virtual console function 1-51 VMCF function 1-69 3270 virtual console interface 1-65
diagnostic aids, CP 1-401 direct access storage device DASD (Direct Access Storage Device» directory Virtual Machine Faci1ity/370 (VM/370), directory)
directory update-in-place, DIAGNOSE instruction 1-72
disable a line, I/O program 1-100 disconnecting
terminal 1-126
virtual machine 1-126
discontiguous saved segments
loading 1-67
purging 1-68
dispatch entry, BAIN 1-214
dispatch entry point 1-214
dispatched user, reflection for 1-214
dispatching 1-214
algorithm 1-133
enabling for interruptions 1-134
fast redispatch 1-134
interactive users 1-11
non interactive users 1-11
priority, calculating 1-11
scheme, for virtual machines 1-11 states, user 1-130 support routines 1-136
virtual machine 1-215
virtual machines 1-128
exallp1es 1-130 from queue 1 1-11
from queue 2 1-11
working set 1-133
dispatching lists, virtual machine 1-128
displaying, data on 3270 console screen
1-65 DBKCKP 1-14 DI!KCPI 1-14 DBKEXTSL 1-178 DI!KFREE calling for a large block 1-121
calling for a subpool 1-121 D!KFRET calling for a large block 1-122
calling for a subpool 1-121 DftKISftTR, handling, OS ISAft 1-87 DI!KPRV 1-118 DI!KSAV 1-14 DI!KVIT 1-118 DI!lKVIO 1-95 dump the system 1-210 E BCC recording modes 1-156
validity checking 1-152 ECPS (Extended Control-Program support)
control by control register 6 and BICBLOK assist control field 1-409 CP assist expanded virtual machine assist 1-37
interaction with DOS emulator 1-409 interaction with other functions 1-409 interaction with program event recording
(PER) 1-409 interaction with VI!I 1-409 interaction with VS1 assist 1-409 restricted use 1-38· sUllmary of control 1-409 trace table entries 1-411
virtual interval assist 1-38
editing, error messages 1-66
efficiency, of VB/370 performance options
enable a line, I/O program 1-100 enabling for interruptions 1-134 enhance.ents, iiiscellaneous, with VB/VS Handshaking feature 1-45
entry points for CP co.mands 1-229,1-403 BRP (error recording prograa) 1-159
error aessages, editing 1-66
error recording 1-162
base, establishing 1-220
cylinders, clearing 1-57
record writing 1-162
via SVC 76 1-161,1-222
error recovery 1-162 DISD 1-163
hard 1-117
soft 1-117
spool files 1-148
tape 1-165
virtual storage paging 1-116 3270 binary synchronous line 1-202 3270 reaote 1-171
Index 1-429
errors, DASD, during spooling 1-148 examples, of virtual machine dispatching
and scheduling 1-130 executable modules pageable 1-81
resident 1-80 executing, the pageable control program
favored 1-135
of scheduled users 1-215
expanded virtual machine assist 1-37,1-409
defined 1-420 and disabling of 1-421
instruction summary of 1-420 Extended Control-Program Support (ECPS) ECPS)
extended virtual external interrupt 1-76
extended-identification code 1-50 external interrupt 1-76
external console interrupt 1-18
interval timer 1-18
multi-processor 1-178
reflection 1-184 TOD clock comparator 1-18
failure, system, recovery 1-149
fast redispatch 1-134
favored execution option 1-30,1-135
features System/370 recovery 1-151
control registers used by MCH 1-152
ECC validity checking 1-152
processor retry 1-151 V!/VS Handshaking 1-43
fetch storage protection 1-78
first-level storage 1-117 format CCi, 3270 remote 1-98
spool data 1-137
spool files 1-137
formatting, recording area 1-163
free storage
management 1-120,1-207
page frame allocation 1-122
function codes for DIAGNOSE instructions 1-407 G
graphic I/O processing, local 1-193
hard error, recovery 1-117
hardware assist 1-37,1-409 combinations of 1-412 by SET command 1-412
control program (CP) assist 1-409 expanded virtual machine assist 1-409 functions, turning off 1-418
relationships 1-412
summary of control 1-410 virtual interval timer assist 1-409 HIO operations, CP 1-196
initialization 1-14 CP 1-122
procedures 1-208 spool file 1-224 system 1-122,1-209
for RMS 1-150 virtual machine 1-211
for a virtual machine 1-217
real spool files 1-143
virtual spool files 1-141
input device, real, spooling to 1-219
input files, virtual machine, closing of
input/output I/O) instruction simulation for virtual machine 1-191
integrated channels, error analysis 1-159
interface, error recording, virtual
machines 1-161
channel check, processing of 1-222
external 1-76
extended virtual 1-76
handling 1-46 I/O 1-73,1-90
handling 1-6
virtual 1-90 machine check 1-73
processing of 1-221
processing 1-183,1-196
local graphic 1-193 ftOBITOR 1-185 prograll 1-188 program 1-46
clock 1-184
external 1-184
in a virtual machine 1-192 1-430 IBft V8/370 System Logic and Problem Determination Guide
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