output processing 1-216
performance, options 1-30 pointer list 1-411
preferred 1-30 PSi 1-10 storage management directory 1-4
virtual storage 1-4
storage size, determining 1-67
termination 1-211,1-212
time management
conversational user 1-4
nonconversational user 1-4
priority of execution 1-4
virtual machine assist, expanded 1-409 virtual machine assist feature
described 1-35
restrictions for use of 1-36
usage 1-36
used to reduce real supervisor state time 1-35 Virtual Machine Communication Facility (VMCF) Virtual Machine Facility/370 (VM/370) control program 1-3
device types in 1-58 DIAGNOSE instruction in 1-49
description 1-3
reading 1-63
routines 1-223
updating 1-63
program states 1-10 timing facilities 1-81
real 1-81
virtual 1-82 3850 MSS support 1-423
virtual page tables 1-118
virtual segment tables 1-118
virtual spooling manager (DMKVSP) 1-139
virtual storage 1-3
management 1-105,1-138 CP 1-4 EC /Bode 1-204 non-EC mode 1-204 paging, error recovery 1-116
releasing pages 1-207 virtual-to-real address translation 1-24 VMCF (Virtual Machine Communication
Facility) 1-39
control block relationships 1-41
control blocks and data areas 1-40 DIAGNOSE instruction 1-69 DIAGNOSE interface 1-39
special external interrupt 1-40 VM/lS Handshaking feature 1-43
closing CP spool files 1-43
aiscellaneous enhancements 1-45
pseudo page faults 1-43 VM/370 (2ee Virtual Machine Facility/370 (VM/370) ) VS1 nonpaging mode 1-44 W warm start 1-14,1-209 working set, calculating 1-132
write continue, I/O progra. 1-101 write ENQ, I/O program 1-101 write initial, I/O program 1-100 write reset, I/O program 1-101 write text data message, data format 1-103 write text message for the copy command, data format 1-103 writing a DASD page to virtual storage 1-204 2 2860 channel, error analysis 2870 channel, error analysis 2880 channel, error analysis
3 3270 remote
1-159 1-160 1-160 binary synchronous line
enabling/disabling 1-201 binary synchronous line error
recovery 1-171,1-202 CCW for.at 1-98
data formats 1-103 I/O programs for 1-99
programming 1-97
secondary interrupt processor 1-201 virtual console interface 1-65 3330V, ftSS support 1-71 3704;3705 interrupt handling 1-199
saving control program i.age 1-65,1-224 3800 CHARS 1-140,1-144 FCB 1-140,1-144 FLASH 1-140,1-144,1-218
loading into virtual storage 1-70 MODIFY 1-140,1-144 related information 1-140 specifying invalid load .odule 1-148
using CHANGE command 1-147
using SPOOL co •• and 1-146 3850 (2 Index 1-431
1-438 IBM VM/310 System Logic and Problem Determination Guide
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