special message facility, S8SG 1-40
spool buffer, management 1-138
spool data, format 1-137
spool file
attributes 1-145
initialization 1-224
recovery 1-224
closing with V8/VS Handshaking feature
commands 1-144
DASD, space exhausted 1-149
deletion of 1-219
error recovery 1-148
format 1-131
management, commands 1-141
manipulation 1-53
input processing 1-143
output processing 1-142
after checkpoint start 1-8
after force start 1-9
after warm start 1-8
states 1-145
input processing 1-141
output processing 1-140 spooling 1-216
for real device 1-146
for virtual device 1-146
CP 1-136
DASD errors 1-148
described 1-1
real 1-22
management 1-142
terminal input 1-9
terminal output 1-9
to the real input device 1-219
to the real printer 1-218
to the real punch 1-218 via RSCS i-7
virtual 1-21
management 1-139
virtual console 1-141
virtual device to real device 1-216
start V8/310 cold 1-14
warm 1-14
Start I/O (SIO) instruction
handling 1-26
operation, CP 1-195
reducing 1-26
virtual 1-84
start/stop terminals, interrupt processing
states, spool file 1-145
status, changes, user 1-132
allocation 1-203 dynamic paging 1-21
free, management of 1-11
protection 1-11
size, determining for virtual machine 1-61
storage management free 1-201
shared segment 1-206 temporary disk 1-206
storage protection
fetch 1-11
storing 1-11
storing, storage protection 1-11
calling D8KFREE for 1-121
calling DBKFRET for 1-121
channel control 1-158
channel error analysis 1-159 BCH 1-152
buffer error 1-151
initial analysis 1-153 main storage analysis 1-154
operator communication 1-155
recovery facility mode switching
soft recording 1-156
storage protect feature (SPF)
analysis 1-154
termination 1-151
virtual user termination 1-155
supervisor, I/O 1-83
supervisor state, SVC interrupts,
processing of 1-184
support, dedicated channel 1-96
support routines, dispatching and
scheduling 1-136 SVC interrupt 1-74 handling 1-11 problem state 1-11,1-183
supervisor state 1-17,1-184 SVC 76 error recording 1-161,1-222 system dump of 1-210 dump spool file, reading 1-62
failure, recovery 1-149
initialization 1-122,1-209
for RBS 1-150 start, warm 1-209 symbol table, reading 1-63
termination 1-123
virtual machine, attaching to 1-211 system support modules 1-19
Index 1-435
Systea/370 T
recovery 1-151 control registers used by Mca 1-152
ECC validity checking 1-152
processor retry 1-151
tape, error recovery 1-165
teaporary disk storage aanagement 1-206 terllinals disconnect{ng 1-126 I/O control
disabling 1-196
enabling 1-196
abnoraal abnoraal termination
(abend) )
CP 1-123 procedures. CP 1-208 system 1-123
virtual aachine 1-211
third-level storage 1-118
tiae manageaent 1-4
tiae slice 1-11
interrupt 1-76
interval tiaer 1-38
virtual, aaintenance 1-81
real 1-81
virtual 1-82
trace table entries for ECPS 1-411
tracing, virtual 1-23
unit check errors, DASD 1-164
unit record
devices, sharing 1-7 I/O errors 1-148
unlocking, page of free storage 1-203 user V directory Virtual Machine Facility/370 (VM/370), directory)
dispatching states 1-130 status changes 1-132
vary offline, attached processor 1-73
address 1-24
channel-to-channel adapter 1-86
console functions, DIAGNOSE instruction
1-51 I/O interrupts 1-90 I/O requests 1-84
output files, closing of 1-216
processor 1-3
relocation 1-117
selector channel I/O requests 1-86
SIO 1-84
card reader 1-21
printer 1-21
punch 1-21
tracing 1-23
virtual=real option 1-5,1-29,1-32,1-110 virtual address, translation 1-20 virtual console
operator's 1-3
simulation 1-96,1-192
control routine 1-97
invalid operation 1-97
read routine 1-96
sense operation 1-97
TIC operation 1-97
write routine 1-97
spooling 1-141
virtual device
defining 1-125
detaching 1-126
I/O 1-3 coaaands 1-146
virtual interval timer assist 1-38.1-409,1-421 interrupt 1-422 maintenance 1-422
virtual aachine
attaching to the system 1-123,1-211
creation 1-3
description 1-3 DIAGNOSE instruction usage 1-49
directory 1-3
disconnecting 1-126
dispatching and scheduling 1-128,1-215
dispatching lists 1-128
dispatching scheme 1-11 examples of 1-130 error recording
via SVC 76 1-161,1-222
initialization 1-211
input files, closing of 1-217
input processing 1-217
handling by CP 1-3
reflection 1-192
instruction management operation
IPL of 1-211 simUlation 1-6
1-26 1-190,1-195 machine states 1-128
operating system 1-3
1-436 IBM VM/370 Systea Logic and Problem Determination Guide
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