VM370 Rel 6 Data Areas and Control Block Logic (Mar79)
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tEVSECT tEVSECT describes the device information required for input/output routines. DEVSECT is a DSECT corresponding to the data in a DEVTAE entry. o 8 Hexadecimal Displacement ------------ 0 2 3 4 8 C DEVADDR 1 D* 1 1 D*2 DEVNAHE I --------------------------------------------------------1 Field Name DEVADDR DEVFLAG DEVTYPE DEVNAHE DEVIPRA DEVMISC DEVSIZE DEVIPRA DS DS DS DS DS DS EQU 1H 1X 1X 1F 1F 1F *-DEVSECT 1 Field Description, Contents, eeaning Virtual device address D*1 Device flags D*2 Device type Symtolic device name Interrupt processing routine address Miscellaneous --device dependent Device table size (in bytes) 156 IEM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic
DEVTAE DEVTAB contains the entries for the various devices handled by (disks, tapes, reader, punch, printer, and censole). DEVTAB is pointed to ty v-constants in tMSICW and DMSITI, and is also referenced indirectly by the ADEVTAE field in NUCON. -, , a CONSOLE I BO READEB1 I I 10 ADISK I co PUNCH1 I I 20 BDISK I DO PRINTEB1 I I 30 CDISK yon READEB2 l:;V 40 DDISK FO PUNCH2 50 EDISK 100 PRINTER2 60 FDISK 110 TAPE1 70 GDISK 12C TAPE2 80 SDISK 13C TAPE3 90 YDISK 14C TAPE4 AO ZDISK 150 ----' Hexadecimal Field Displacement Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning ------------ a CONSOLE DS OD Device tatle entry for console 0 DC XL2'009' 2 DC XL2'0' 4 DC CL4'CON1' 8 DC VL4 (CONSI) C DC XL4'0' 10 ADISK DS aD Device tatle entry for A-disk 10 DC XL2'191' 12 DC XL2'O' 14 DC CL4'DSK1' 18 DC AL4 (0) 1C DC XL4'O' 20 BDISK DS aD Device tatle entry for B-disk 20 DC XL2'000' 22 DC XL2'O' 24 DC CL4'DSK2' 28 DC AL4 (0) 2C DC XL4'0' 30 CDISK DS aD Device tatle entry for C-disk 30 DC XL2'OOO' 32 DC XL2'O' Sectien L. Data Areas and Centrol Blocks 157